Global VAT Compliance News
Global VAT Compliance
Specialized VAT Compliance Services for International Businesses
| VAT on Digital Services |
South Africa: New Binding General Ruling on VAT Requirements for Electronic Service Providers
Sweden: Clarification on reporting obligations for digital platform operators
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Foreign digital service providers are required to register for VAT
Australia: Changes in GST application for digital product supplies
| DAC7/ViDA |
Italy: A public consultation on EU VAT package for the digital age
VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA): A look into the proposal (part 1)
Slovenia: Actions to combat VAT fraud in Digital Age with proposed amendments to EU VAT Directive
VAT in the digital age (VIDA): A look into the proposal (part 2)
| VAT/GST Developments |
Turkey: New law offers tax amnesty and relief measures to taxpayers
Belgium: VAT Payment Process to be Modernized
UK: Updated VAT obligations for direct and online marketplace sellers
Malaysia: Delay in implementation of sales tax on low-value goods
Spain: New securities tax measures passed by the government
Italy: European Council approves proposal authorizing increase of VAT exemption threshold
Belgium: New requirements for payment service providers to combat VAT fraud
Finland: Reporting laws for payment providers on cross-border transactions
Lithuania: Proposal to raise VAT registration threshold in response to inflation
| ECJ Cases |
ECJ: A preliminary ruling regarding German VAT Group rule
ECJ: The preliminary ruling on Slovenian VAT exemption rules for intra-community transactions
ECJ: Clarifications on Hungarian VAT base reduction rules for insurance companies
| Other news |
Check out our latest video "VAT / GST and Sales tax. How are they different?"
| Resource Center |
VAT Country Guides to learn more about compliance requirements and VAT rules in various countries.