The Global South can be described as countries that are newly Industrialized or countries that are among the fastest developing and growing countries in the world, Countries that form part of the Global South includes South Africa, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and Mexico. 88% of the worlds population lives in the global South and most of them Including India and Saudi Arabia are key players on the world stage. However the majority of these countries are human rights violators, they suppress freedom of speech and media freedom. Global South countries are frequently and constantly fighting and divided amongst themselves, Ethiopia and Egypt are sworn enemies, Saudi Arabia and Iran are also divided, Border tensions are forever Increasing between China and India. With the exception of Saudi Arabia and China, most of these countries are still stuck in the middle ages. South Africa has the one of the highest unemployment rate in the world, Islamic Republic of Iran is the number 1 state sponsor of terrorism , Egypt and Ethiopia are threatening of Invading each other and Russia has launched a large scale invasion on European Soil since Adolf Hitler. However it may appear on the mainstream media most Global South countries are on a sharp decline both Economically, Socially and Politically.


