An educational platform that exposes African learners between ages 4-14 to carefully curated interactive STEAM content
Yes, there is a global shortage of teachers and knowing how important teachers are in the educational sector, it is reason to be worried. Children are the future of tomorrow but someone is responsible for training and equipping them with the necessary knowledge needed and that is the primary role of a teacher. Teachers are also external parents, encouragers, mentors, role models, and so much more to students.
This shortage is not just in Africa. “Teacher shortages are not just a developing world crisis but one being experienced around the world, including in countries like Australia, China, Estonia, France, Great Britain, Japan, Malaysia, the Netherlands, the United States and others” – Global Partnership for Education (GPE) 2022.
Why is there a shortage of teachers?
-????????Working conditions: some teachers have experienced unfavorable and unsupportive working conditions, leading them to move to other fields.
-????????Lack of competitive pay: Some educational institutions pay teachers very low salaries. This has made a lot of teachers, including those passionate about the profession resign.
-????????Unqualified teachers: Some teachers do not have the necessary qualifications and skills needed.
How does online learning help?
It may take a while for schools and educational bodies to work on policies and regulations that will help to retain and attract teachers but online learning is an already existing solution to the shortage.
-????????Online learning does not require a teacher to be physically present for classes.
-????????Online learning platforms such as Learnxplore help with test gradings, they can collate scores and track the performance of students, reducing the teacher’s stress level.
-????????Online learning is also an opportunity for teachers themselves to gain knowledge. They can take courses and training to better themselves.
-????????Teachers can track their earnings through the mobile application.
If you are a teacher with quality educational content, you can visit our website and join our mailing list to know when we start accepting teachers. You can also download the Learnxplore App. Available on Google Play and Apple store. Stay updated with us by following us at Learnxplore on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.