Global Sharing and a New Economics
In the context of liberation of money, an interesting article was published in the Daily Telegraph on 31 March 2015: "Iceland's government is considering a revolutionary monetary proposal - removing the power of commercial banks to create money and handing it to the central bank... 'The findings will be an important contribution to the upcoming discussion, here and elsewhere, on money creation and monetary policy," Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson said'.
Technology will liberate labor from the processes of material production, and the liberation of money will enable government to put money to creative use within the context of a new, equitable system of distribution. Most essentially, it will enable government to provide very human being with an income to cover all material necessities regardless of the nature of an individual's activity. When human activity is decoupled from material production and every human being receives an income regardless of the nature of their chosen line of activity, economic fear will be gone and a great deal of personal liberty will be gained. People will no longer be captive to their particular life circumstances to the same degree. as as they will be able to organize their activity according to their own inclination.When this happens, humanity will have more time on its hands to employ in the creative arts.
From the foregoing, we can envisage a time when the physical plane body of humanity will be completely integrated. This technological integration only becomes possible as man-made barriers or inhibitors to integration are removed. Such inhibitors relate for example to the various national import and export regulations which restrict the flow of data, goods and people across national borders. In this context it is more interesting to note the current negotiations between the EU and the US with respect to the Transatlantic Trade and Investement Partnership (TTIP), the goal of which is to open up trade and investement between the US and the EU. One of the main aims of TTIP is the introduction of Investor-State Dispute Settlements (ISDS), which allow a corporation to sue a government if that government's policies cause a loss of corporate profit. ISDS are already in place in other bi-lateral trade agreements around the world and have led to cases such as the suing of the German government's decision to phase out nuclear power plants in the wake of the Fukushima disaster in Japan. Such a development, if instituted, would place increasing strength in corporate hands and would further undermine the power of the nation states which would become paralysed when confronted with decisions which could lead to corporate indemnification, the bill for which voting taxpayers would have to foot. One can imagine how this will play out, but humanity must ever test and experiment until all avenues have been thoroughly exhausted. Could this, for example, represent the means by which nationalism will finally be destroyed, enabling the emergence of real cooperation between the nation states?
Of course physical plane integration is but the effect of the integration process taking place within the mind of humanity. Group integration evidenced on the physical plane by corporate bodies such as transnationals is but the effect of group consciousness at corporate executive levels. These executives execute through groups and continually endeavor to increase the depth of group integration and the degree of alignment with corporate purpose. Today corporate purpose is largely directed towards achieving corporate personality aims and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is predominantly used as a marketing instrument. There are nevertheless some sincere and positive developments. For example, in December 2014, Brazil's Natura, Latin America's largest cosmetics maker, became first publicly traded certified B Corporation. Furthermore, Unilever CEO Paul Polman is considering pursuing this status for Unilever. If this is carried through to fruition, Unilever would become the world's first major transnational to achieve certified B Corporation status. Already one of its subsidiaries, the ice-cream maker Ben & Jerry's, enjoys this status.
While it is abundantly clear that many corporate executives are integrated personalities, it is equally clear that their personality ambition is largely selfish and directed towards the material world. In this context, it is interetsing to note that there is a life, or cycle of lives, during which the mystic becomes the powerful, often selfishly oriented integrated personality: "A second period of transference ensues and the ajna centre, which governs the integrated personality, becomes active and dominant. The life of feeling and of mystical effort is, at this time, liable to die down temporarily...and personality integration, personality ambitions, personality aims and personality expression take its place...the mystic sleeps...and will emerge again to living endeavor when the mind nature has been fully aroused and is controlling, when desire for mental satisfaction has been satiated and the "son of God is ready to arise and enter the Father's house." This relatively advanced stage corresponds to the time when the energies from the five centres up the spine are being transferred to the ajna centre. "The stimulation of the ajna by the focussing of these energies may lead to disastrous psychological problems. A man may become an ego-maniac temporarily (all is temporary in the long life of the soul!) and become such a human monster as Hitler and others of his ilk, though in lesser degree." Hence the mystic can become a monster before becoming the occultist. The stage that follows the personality achievement of the integrated personality is "a period wherein the highest head centre is brought into radiant activity. This occurs as the result of the uprising (in a fresh and a more potent manner) of the mystical instinct, plus, thi time, an intelligent approach to reality." In this context, it should be recalled that "the sixth ray produced the mystic as its culminating type of aspirant" and that "the seventh ray will develop the magician who works in the field of white magic." This is a point of real encouragement, as it suggests that many of the successful, selfishly oriented business men of today will become the selfless occult disciples of tomorrow.
An After Thought
It is of interest to take a moment to review the function of the pancreas, the endocrine gland which is the externalisation of the solar plexus centre; the centre through which humanity finds its major life expression. In its capacity as an endocrune gland, the pancreas regulates the level of glucose in the human body; glucose or sugar being a symbol of material desire aspect - the desire for that which is sweet in life. The pancreas, when functioning properly balances the glucose level within the blood using insulin to absorb access glucose as energy into the body cells, or when it is a glucode dificiency in the blood, using glucogen to stimulate the liver to break down glucogen into glucose or activating gluconeogenesis, the conversion of amino acids into glucose.
Here we have an expression of the balancing of the pairs of opposites; excess sugar versus sugar deficiency, and the use of the blood, the life aspect, flowing through circulatory system to ensure material need is met. When this system is dysfunctional we have the classic symptoms of diabetes; excessive urination, excessive thirst, and excessive hunger. The former being symbolic of wastage and the latter two being symbolic of unsatiable material appetite.
If cells aren't able to gain access to glucose, they send out hunger signals via a variety of signalling hormones to the brain's hypothalamus to trigger the sensation of hunger. The cells have no way of knowing that they are starving in the land of plenty: The glucose they need exists in abundance in the bloodsteam, but the relative dificiency of insulin makes it inaccessible. In the diabetic, the cells that suffer the most are those in the extremities, particularly the feet, and this stil give rise to amputation today. This is symbolic of the huge amount of food wastage in the West while other parts of humanity are starving.
The life aspect which the blood conveys is the oxygen from the air. This aspect does not need to be procured as each human being receives it directly as a gift from God, perhaps because enterprising man could not find a means of appropriating it, packaging it and selling it.7.3 billion pairs of lungs are directly connected to and simultaniously breathing in the one Life as symbolized by the one Air. When it comes to the planetary resources, equally a gift from God, enterprising man did indeed turn what should have been the business of distribution into the business of selfish profit accumulation.
Humanity has the means of distributing the world's material wealth to all human units, but the current system isn't designed to satisfy the material desire of those who have the money to pay for what they desire. That wich gives each cell of human being access to material necessities is money. In the analogy concerning the function of the pancreas, glucose represents material supply and insulin represents the money which provides access to the supply. Logically this makes the pancreas the commercial banking system, which is at fault in the system of distribution, but the whole basis upon which each human unit receives an income or money.
(A Student)