Shared Global Natural Resources
Jaime Saldarriaga, Ph.D.
Owner at Hydrology and Water Resource Science/Energy and Natural Resources/Climate/Utilities Regulation/Research/Mentoring/Global Issues/PEACE.
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Cosmos does not belong to anybody. Sun does not belong to anybody. Planet Earth as a whole does not exclusively belong to anybody. Moon does not belong to anybody, so far. They are Nature and there are no Property Rights on them. Not up to now, at least. The Atmosphere, as a constituent part of Planet Earth, does not belong to anybody either.
While the rest of Planet Earth as a body spins around its own axis, the Atmosphere involves the Solid, Liquid and Living Bodies of Earth (Hydro-Litho-Biosphere) as a gaseous mass, interacting with them, and experiencing its own particular movement relative to Earth, influencing so the Hydro-Litho-Biosphere (HLB) and also experiencing an Influence from it.
Components of Nature, grossly speaking, can be seen as basic Natural Resources. Anthropos, as a part of Nature, and as a component of Biosphere, is also usually classified as a Human Resource.
This kind of Natural Resources are considered Shared Global Natural Resources on which no property rights have been exclusively established when considered as a whole, at least up to the present time.
Across the Lithosphere though, a Rights approach has been taken by societies across the world. Planet Earth Territory has been historically fragmented by the dominance of different peoples, by the use of force first and then by the adoption of a scheme of Nations across the world. Also, each Nation has adopted rules of property and exploitation of land and mineral resources that compose the Lithosphere. Those are not Shared Global Resources.
Also, with the adoption of the Sovereignty concept attached to Nations, the Air Space has been organized through a system of Rights of use of it, subject to international and national regulations. A similar situation happens with International Ocean Space. The use of these two types of Resources is shared and regulated under particular types of conditions which take into consideration the concept of Sovereignty.
The Atmosphere, a Shared Natural Resource gaseous mass that experiences a relative movement around Earth, can be polluted materially or thermally over one place on Earth and then be over a different place on Planet Earth having an effect on the last place. This condition makes Air Pollution particularly dangerous to the Biosphere. This relative movement phenomenon might be identified as "the air-lithosphere relative movement", which is also referred as Air Circulation or Atmospheric Circulation, which entails a Propagation Effect. This specific phenomenon deserves a detailed consideration and poses a need of Regulation of emissions to the Atmosphere.
Natural Resources can best be managed by adopting the criterion of Economic and Social Optimization subject to Environmental Constraints. The Economic Optimization implies Economic Efficiency, therefore Absence of Subsidies. This is not the Current Situation. Corrections are urgently needed.