Global Navigator: Investors taking an alternative view of the US
Amidst a flurry of executive orders from President Donald Trump, issued in the wake of his inauguration and days after he launched a new meme coin, investors steered over $5 billion into Alternative Funds during the third week of January with over $4 billion of that total going to Cryptocurrency Funds.
Investors also added to their exposure for the more conventional US assets, with US Equity, Bond and Money Market Funds absorbing a combined $68.8 billion. But Technology Sector and Taiwan (POC) Equity Funds attracted minimal inflows as investors continue to reassess the promise of artificial intelligence (AI), both Emerging Markets Equity and Bond Funds added to their respective outflow streaks and Europe Equity Funds experienced net redemptions for the 17th consecutive week.
Other trends captured by EPFR-tracked fund flows during the week ending Jan. 22 reveal:
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