Global Logistics - Fortnightly Recap
Uresh Perera MSc(US), FICS(UK)
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In honor of Seafarers Day, we extend our sincere gratitude for the sacrifices you make and the valuable services you provide. May the winds be favorable, the waters calm, and your journeys be safe. The world is grateful for your strong spirit, and you are the true heroes of the sea. Happy Seafarers Day!
The much anticipated peak season is showing signs of disappointment. The rates are still falling, and there appears to be no change in the expected surge in demand during the summer months. Even the mild rate increases caused by US West labour disputes have dissipated more rapidly than they rose.?It can be seen in the Compass Xeneta Index Far East / Europe compared with the Far East US West Coast.
Two weeks ago, labour unions on the US West Coast reached a tentative agreement with terminal operators. As the peak shipping season approaches, operations at US West Coast ports have largely returned to normal, easing concerns about further disruptions.??
The rates on most trade lanes remain weak. The container shipping industry is currently experiencing a down-cycle, and many expect this trend to continue throughout the second half of?2023 and 2024. According to many analysts, upside risks from a recovery in demand and the easing of supply-side pressure are limited. According to Drewry, the composite World Container Index decreased by 3.5% to $1,535.75 per 40ft container this week. The freight rates between Shanghai and New York decreased by 7%. Similarly, rates for Shanghai - Los Angeles fell by 6%. There was a 3% drop in rates on Shanghai - Genoa to $2,075 per 40-foot container. Shanghai - Rotterdam freight rates decreased by 2%.
In contrast to SCFI and other global container indices, Baltic Dry has shown a clear change in trend over the last three weeks. As a result of strong demand for Capes, Baltic Dry rose for a third consecutive week on Friday.?Friday, the overall index rose 24 points, or 2.0%, to 1,240, its highest level in almost a month. For the week, the index rose by 15.2%.
As HSBC recently noted, the rise in larger vessel segments may have been influenced by China’s need to replenish low iron ore stocks. In anticipation of a peak season in September, Chinese traders have been encouraged to import more iron ore due to lower inventory levels and relatively low iron ore prices.
Except for one publicly listed carrier in my watch list, most carriers have had a negative year-to-date performance. It will be a challenging year for their revenues. As a result of those two record revenue years during Covid, FCF still appears to be in good shape on the books of most carriers. They remain outliers. In the next decade, it will be interesting to see whether this was a once-in-a-century event for the carriers. It is rare for container carriers to have purple patches year after year. As a professional in the industry for more than 30 years, I have never witnessed anything of this magnitude in earnings as in the last two years.?According to analysts, carriers' net profits declined sharply in 1Q23, and analysts project further declines in profitability in 2H23 and 2024 before reaching breakeven. The carriers may not be able to return to profitability in the near future if vessel lay-ups, demolitions, and capacity management are not handled properly.
Key Snippets
On to others....
The first half of 2023 was marked by the return of overcapacity in the container shipping sector and, with it, slow steaming. This was not enough, however, to prevent freight rates from collapsing.
Orders for car and truck carriers hit $14bn – the highest since 2008. Pure car and truck carrier newbuilding orders total an estimated $14bn since 2020, the highest since the global financial crisis in 2008, according to Clarksons’ latest report, issued yesterday.
US West Coast port deal eases strike tensions as SCFI and FBX indices follow WCI. The closure of the past week saw two strings of activities on either side of the globe. The US West Coast Port union strike looms were dissipated to a great extent following intervention from the US authorities, despite hold-up of cargo worth US$5.2 billion and trucks in piles at ports.
The shipping rivals plotting divergent courses on global trade. As Maersk’s alliance with MSC comes to an end, the companies are set to pursue strikingly different strategies.
Talk about being late to the party: American asset manager raises funds for boxship acquisitions. Greywolf Capital Management , an American asset manager, has raised $120m for a new Containership Opportunities Fund II, according to Alphaliner.
Year-on-Year airfreight tonnage decline eases to -4%. The gap between global air cargo tonnages this year and the equivalent period in 2022 has narrowed to just -4% in the first two full weeks of June, down from -6% at the end of May, -10% in April, and -11% in the first quarter, while average rates in May and June have stabilized at around -37% below their level this time last year, according to the latest weekly figures from WorldACD Market Data.
Cathay Pacific expects intense cargo competition over the summer. Cathay Pacific is expecting an increasingly competitive air cargo market over the summer months and will add new freighter flights to North America as its belly operations continue to roll out.
Fixing driver shortages: new global plan launched by employers and unions. IRU, the world road transport employers' organisation, representing more than 3.5 million road transport operators, and ITF, the International Transport Workers’ Federation, representing 18.5 million transport workers, have today launched a three-point plan to help fix driver shortages.
China ramps up rail links in South East Asia, this time it’s Malaysia. China delivered the first batch of goods by rail to Malaysia on 8 June. The cargo was shipped from Chongqing, China, to Padang Besar, Malaysia, with a reported delivery time of 13 days. Although not operating as a direct train service between the two countries, this shipment is regarded as the first freight service connecting China and Malaysia solely by rail.
Top 10 biggest automotive manufacturer supply chains. Top 10 largest automotive manufacturing supply chains include VW, Toyota, NRM Alliance, GM, Ford, Hyundai, Stellantis, BMW & Mercedes-Benz.
U.S. Business Logistics Costs Reach All-Time High. U.S. business logistics costs (USBLC) exceeded $2.316 trillion in 2022, which equated to 9.1% of the U.S.’s nominal gross domestic product (GDP) that year, the highest mark of all time according to a recent report.
Sustainability a priority for supply chain leaders, survey finds. An industry survey conducted by The Retail Hive, in partnership with DHL Supply Chain, has revealed that 72% of retail supply chain leaders consider supply chain sustainability a priority for their businesses.
Looming 700k tonne graphite shortage could ‘stunt’ EV demand. A 700,000 tonne shortage of graphite by 2030 demonstrates the need for increased investment in commodity production, or the EV industry could be at risk of “stunted” demand.
Logistics capacity crunch set to continue in Europe. Automotive Logistics’ exclusive new market intelligence reveals the considerable capacity challenges facing European logistics are set to continue.
Global trade growth returns but outlook for 2023 is poor. During the first quarter of 2023, trade growth was positive for both goods and services, according to UNCTAD’s latest Global Trade Update published on 21 June. After the downturn in the second half of 2022, world merchandise trade rebounded in both volume and value.
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