A global launch...making it fun!!
When the teaser was put on the Sphere in Las Vegas, just before CES this year, we all knew that something big was coming. Not just because it was so visible but because the collaboration with Disney's Marvel IP also made it fun. Now don't get me wrong, any launch is tough, there are schedules, deadlines, productions, endless coordination and most importantly - being able to make it all work in one moment in time (or as close to that moment as possible).
Marvel Entertainment has IP that is globally loved. Those of us that grew up on comics know how each character is so different and unique that the stories are built on the personality of the character. Dr Strange was no fluke on how that execution came to life, as he navigates our flights of fancy, as well as the cognitive intelligence as humans we have.
These past few days of the media campaign that we worked on for the S24 were fun, but stressful as we needed great ideas on how to make the creative come alive within the context of where the ads would be placed, the audiences we need to reach as well as the content that the ads would be sharing space with. This was my Eureka moment (yes the name for the launch campaign was Eureka so I liked that visual of being in the tub and something dawning on you!).
My moment of Eureka came when I realized something powerful, an agency will work on Orchestration where Creative and Media work hand in hand to elevate the product and place it in the eye of the consumer, so that it affects their emotions and imagination.
Yes, orchestration, and on the larger scale seeing how the teaser campaign with Dr. Strange and the Avengers had such a special showing - the Las Vegas Sphere, kicking off a global event like CES, that is part of orchestration. The launch being streamed across the world, with the nuance of technology at your fingertips in a simple and very useful manner, that is when creative and media meet.
I was asked a question yesterday "are you going to be doing media at Cheil Worldwide (our little Team Uno division) and the answer is an unequivocal - yes and...as we want to help orchestrate wonderful moments and amazing emotions because we are the creative agency, and we can do the media in a way where it works well together. We want to help the ideas that elevate products or services to be seen in the best light because they are expressed in the best way possible, and in the best places possible, so medium does not matter, it can be through video across any platform of content distribution, or like most saw in Vegas - on the sphere, with Dr. Strange.
Thank you for taking time with me and my flights of fancy, shall we orchestrate something new, creative and where it reaches the right audience? Lets do it!!