Global Health Expert and Pioneer
United States
·????????ECFMG (Educational Council for Foreign Medical Graduates)
Honor Societies
·????????American Medical Association (Member)
·????????American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (Member)
·????????International Society of Travel Medicine (Member)
·????????Council for International Health (Member)
·????????American Association of Integrative Medicine (Member)
·????????National Association for Healthcare Quality (Member)
·????????American Medical Writers Association (Affiliate)
·????????Global Health / Tropical Diseases Specialist (Paris VI University)
First and only global health course in the world for many years (one year after the WHO Alma-Ata declaration: “Health for All in the Year 2000”. Please see below?
·????????Emergency Medicine Specialist (Paris XII University)
Honor Societies
·????????Société de Pathologie Infectieuse de Langue Fran?aise (Member)
·????????Société d’Enseignement des H?pitaux de Paris (Member)
·????????Société de Pathologie Exotique (Member)
·????????Medical Doctor (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Honor Societies
·????????National Academy of Medicine (Honorary Member)
·????????Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical (Member)
Honor Societies
·????????Academy of Medicine, Singapore (Associate Member)
·????????Singapore Medical Association (Member)
·????????Society of Family Physicians of Singapore (Member)
Honor Societies
·????????Australasian College of Tropical Medicine (Fellow)
·????????Australian Lifestyle Medicine Association (Member)
Academia Work
·????????Lecturer, George Washington University Center for International Health
·????????Assistant Professor in Tropical Diseases and Public Health, Paris VI University
·????????“Attache des H?pitaux de Paris”, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital
·????????Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine, The George Washington University
·????????Director, The Stanford Health Promotion Network, Stanford School of Medicine
·????????Manager in Health Promotion, Stanford Prevention Research Center, Stanford School of Medicine
·????????Mentor, Stanford Medsholars Research Fellowship Program, Stanford School of Medicine
·????????Instructor, Stanford Health Improvement Program, Stanford School of Medicine
·????????Professor, International Institute of Medicine and Science
Hospital Work
·????????Moncorvo Filho Hospital, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (4 years as Medical Student)
·????????The George Washington University Hospital, Washington DC, United States (1 year as an Intern)
·????????Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, Paris, France (9 years as Tropical Medicine Consultant)
·????????St Francis Hospital, Ikoyi branch, Lagos, Nigeria (1 year as Private General Practitioner)
·????????The Ridge Hospital, Southern Highlands province, Papua New Guinea (2 years as Chief Medical Officer for Chevron Oil Co.)
·????????Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore (1 year as Private General Practitioner)
Primary Care Physician Work
·????????Private General Practitioner at AsiaMedic Ltd, Singapore (3 years)
·????????Private General Practitioner in Lifou, New Caledonia (2 years)
·????????Private General Practitioner in Mauvezin, France, locum tenens (1.5 month)
·????????General Practitioner for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paris, France (weekly for 1 month)
·????????Corporate Primary Care Physician in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, for Schlumberger, then for Spie-Batignolles (3 months)
·????????Corporate Primary Care Physician in Shenzhen, then in Daya Bay, China, for EDF (3 months)
·????????Corporate Primary Care Physician in Edea, Cameroon, for CELLUCAM (1 month)
Business Work
·????????CEO, HealthConnect International, LLC, United States (9 years)
·????????Charge d’Affaires for Groupe Profession Santé, France (2 years)
·????????Director, International Corporate Affairs and Business Development, Stanford Hospital and Clinics, USA (1 year)
·????????Business Manager, Owner, Co-founder, International Business Proactivity, (IBP) Pte, Ltd, Singapore (5 years)
·????????Medical Director for Export, Delagrange Drug Co., France (2 years)
Worked in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Switzerland, former East Germany, Hungary, Africa (Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Togo, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Mali, Niger), the Middle East (Syria, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Kuwait) and French Overseas Territories (Martinique, Guadeloupe)
·????????Research Director, Hoffmann LaRoche Drug Co., France (1 year)
·????????Created an advanced, state-or-the-art, cutting-edge behavior change program structure for a precision healthcare company in the United States.?
·????????Created the foundation for the first ever MOUs of the Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto, CA, namely with Jaslok Hospital in Mumbai, India, and Hospital Alemao Oswaldo Cruz in Sao Paulo, Brazil
·????????Re-created from scratch, transformed radically and led the Stanford Health Promotion Network at Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto, CA, United States
·????????Was the first and only Private General Practitioner for about 10,000 people on the island of Lifou, New Caledonia
. Provided healthcare to hundreds of islanders for the first time in their lives
. Wrote a princeps report delivered to the French government on healthcare conditions on the island of Lifou, New Caledonia
·????????Was the only European Private General Practitioner in Singapore
. Was a counselor to the French Embassy in Singapore and a Primary Care Physician of reference for 15 other embassies, various consulates, and other government organizations
. Conducted consultations in English, French, and Portuguese
. Wrote numerous public education booklets and articles on such topics as “Teenagers and?
Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs”, “Climate Impact on Health”, “Update on Immunizations”, “Respiratory Problems”, “Dengue Fever”, “Healthcare in Southeast Asia”
. Consulted with corporations and schools during the SARS epidemic
·????????Led a multi-specialty medical team from Singapore on a mission to Yi villages of the Yunnan province in South China
·????????Was the only European Private General Practitioner in Lagos, Nigeria
. Was the physician of reference for more than 200 corporations
. Re-organized the branch of the St Francis Hospital in Lagos
·????????As a Resident Physician, re-organized the Schlumberger and Spie-Batignolles clinics in Port-Harcourt, Nigeria
·????????As the Chief Medical Officer for Chevron Oil Co. was the only U.S. expatriate physician resident practicing in Papua New Guinea
. Provided healthcare to hundreds of villagers for the first time in their lives
.?Led the PNG government representatives and Chevron engineers’ team that created the first and exclusive radio frequency in the country to be used 24/7 by fixed wings, choppers, ambulances, and medical centers
. Created and implemented a public health program for about 10,000 villagers in the Southern Highlands province of PNG
. Designed, implemented, and managed a new clinic in the highlands
. Assessed the Chevron Hospital at the Ridge and four clinics in the Kutubu area and in Port Moresby:
. Improved treatment protocols, especially for tropical diseases like malaria, adjusted???
?immunization programs, updated drug and medical equipment stock
. Improved Medevac and preventive medicine policies and procedures, and offered staff
?CME programs in PNG, Australia and the United States
. Improved internal and external communications
. Computerized the medical department
. Advanced cooperation with provincial and central governments regarding emergency?
?care, drug supply, health education, and epidemiology
·????????Based on my experience working at the George Washington University hospital, instigated the computerization of the tropical diseases and public health department of the Pitie-Salpetriere hospital in Paris, France
·????????Led or participated in the following studies:
Feasibility Studies/Clinic Evaluations
.?Angola: As a Consultant, conducted feasibility studies for hospital in Luanda for an oil consortium led by Conoco Oil Co. and clinic for Total Oil Co.; demonstrated a need for both and reviewed specific costs
.?Cameroon, Nigeria, China: As a Resident Physician, evaluated the Cellucam clinic in Edea, the Schlumberger and the Spie-Batignolles clinics in Port-Harcourt, the St Francis hospital out-patient clinic in Lagos and the E.D.F. clinics in Shenzhen and Daya Bay
.?Congo: As the Team Medical Expert, conducted feasibility study of a clinic in Ouesso for a timber consortium; confirmed the need, identified medical priorities, established emergency protocols, evaluated cost
.?Nigeria: As the Medical Doctor in charge, evaluated healthcare conditions on an oil rig in the Gulf of Guinea
.?France: As a Senior Healthcare Consultant, assessed the Air France healthcare center (AVS) and its operation and reviewed the AVS bid for becoming the healthcare center of reference for Schlumberger in Paris
Public Health Plans/Epidemiological Surveys
.?Senegal: As the Team Medical Expert, assessed the impact of a dam construction in Casamance for USAID, showing possible health implications on local population particularly regarding malaria and schistosomiasis
.?China: As the Team Leader, contributed to the creation and implementation of a public health program, addressing water-borne diseases, malaria, skin diseases and hygiene in remote Yunnan
.?Papua New Guinea: As a Tropical Diseases Specialist, established the means for controlling a malaria outbreak for a Malaysian timber corporation
.?Haiti: As a Public Health and Tropical Diseases Specialist, investigated causes of a diarrhea outbreak in a major resort; identified sources and found several other health hazards
Medical Assistance
.?Egypt: Provided medical care for a group of about 200 Bosch Co. employees
.?Gambia: Provided medical care for a group of about 200 Bosch Co. employees
As an Emergency Medicine Specialist, medevacuated patients from Thailand, Turkey, Cameroon, Nigeria, China, Lifou (New Caledonia), Papua New Guinea, and Singapore to Australia, France and the United States
·????????Authored eight books on public health and tropical diseases, including one published by Oxford University Press and one by Springer
·????????Authored or co-authored several articles in the medical literature on new treatments working in the department of Tropical and Infectious Diseases and Public Health of Prof Marc Gentilini at the Pitie-Salpetriere hospital in Paris, France, notably the following:
.?Assessment of 35972 RP (Oltipraz*): A new antischistosomal compound against Schistosoma hematobium, S. mansoni and S. intercalatum. ACTA Tropica, 1980, 37, 271-274 (with M. Gentilini, B. Duflo and D. Richard-Lenoble)
. A new broad-spectrum anti-helminthic compound: Flubendazole*. Presentation of 125 cases. Gaz. Med. Fr., 1980, 38, 5444-5446 (with M. Danis, A. Datry and M. Gentilini)
.?Treatment of intestinal schistosomiasis: Assessment of oxamniquine. Presentation of 173 cases. Med. Mal. Infect., 1981, 12, 665-670 (with M. Gentilini, M. Danis, P. Petit, G. Brucker, V. Vernand-Neisson and J.P. Arnaud)
. Treatment of trichuriasis: A single drug is efficient and available in France: Fluvermal*. "Panorama du Medecin", 1983, Jun 24, 1679, 11
. Treatment of drug resistant malaria: A clinical trial with mefloquine in Paris. Dissertation for Medical Doctorate by Dominique Mathe, Pierre and Marie Curie University, Saint-Antoine Faculty of Medecine, Paris, 1984 (participation)
.?Treatment of Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) in the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS): Cotrimoxazole can be continued with efficacy despite side effects, which often regress spontaneously. ICAAC meeting in Paris, 5 December 1985. With W. Rozenbaum, B. Duflo, M. Danis and M. Gentilini (I was the speaker)
. Ornidazole for the treatment of amebiasis and giardiasis (oral and parenteral administration). 10th International Congress on Tropical Medicine and Malaria. Manila, Philippines, November 9-15, 1980 (with H. Felix)
·????????Created and hosted weekly (and over several weeks) a show on tropical diseases for Tropic FM (102,3 MHz) in Paris, France
·????????Created a new concept to combat racism: considering and managing it as an infectious-like disease. Presented “Racism Revisited with a New Approach” at the Center for Policy, Outcomes and Prevention’s work-in-progress meeting on January 16, 2020 at Stanford University.??
·????????Co-organized and moderated the first medical and scientific webinar between Honoris Universities in Tunisia and Stanford University
·????????Co-organized with the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan and moderated the first healthcare webinars between Kazakhstan and the United States:
. With Johns Hopkins Hospital, on 02/09/21, 04/21/21 and 06/23/220. Theme: “COVID-19 Treatment Algorithm: The Johns Hopkins Hospital Experience”
.?With Stanford University, on 05/21/21. Theme: “Critical Conditions during Pregnancy: The Stanford Experience”
·????????First and only ambassador of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, in the United States
Senior Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Officer, M-RITE chez PATH, Project : USAID Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity MOMENTUM
2 年Fantastique ! Bravo cher collègue !!!