Global Happenings & Risk Management
Oladimeji Kazeem
AI Transformation Leader | Senior Data Architect | Data Scientist | Board Member | Speaker | AI Engineer | AI Solutions Architect | Machine Learning & NLP Specialist
By the definition of their roles, Risk Managers are meant to prevent losses to organization, groups and communities. The happening of the world todays leaves with no other choice than to conclude that the profession or practitioners have been "extinct", and the role has taken back seat. I know someone organizations still find it extremely difficult to understand why risk management should be part of their cultures at all levels. This explains why some uses the same resource(s) for both risk management and internal audit. In other organizations, the role does not exist rather they keep internal control and internal audit functions, and to the extent of having the same resource leading the two functions. Their reasons can always be narrowed down to human resource cost, without conducting cost – benefits analysis which would have guided them accordingly.
Depending on the size of the organization, insurance companies and/or independent risk managers are handy however it should be noted that there is extent to which these brokers or intermediaries can be used. Risk experts and practitioners would argue that there exist various forms of risks, but it is very easy to conclude that risk management can be dimensioned into two forms: Strategic and Operational risks. The explanations are very clear: Strategic risk refers to those exposure that could negatively affect strategy or global existence of an organization, while operational risk refers to those exposures inherent in the day-to-day running of the entity. This explanation is very clear without ambiguity.
Where are the Risk Managers today when million of money values are stolen from the banks without forcing a gun on someone’s head? Analysis has shown that the losses by financial organizations to fraud are higher in value than those that involved burglary. Organizations close because of lack of proper risk culture despite exposure of various forms including regulations and economy. Where are the government economic risk managers given that there cannot just continuous stability for decades without disruption(s).
Globally, I am still wondering what wonder whether most country’s governments do have risk managers or risk culture that could have helped warn of impending economic downturn, disease outbreak, war possibilities and the like. Wars do not just happen overnight, rather they take a very long time of planning and perpetrators would have taken some steps to test the waters before finally mobilising to the theatre. The period of testing the waters cannot be hidden, as such would have been opened to everyone. This is a time the risk managers are expected to lose sleep by postulating what would have been the loses if the risk crystalizes. This would have assisted those vests with powers to take the appropriate decisions towards either accepting the risk, transfer, or mitigate against it.
Where were the economic advisers and risk managers when in November 2013, the then president of Ukraine: Viktor Yanukovych refused to allow the integration of Ukraine with the European Union. It will be recalled that the decision at the time sprouted nationwide protests in Ukraine which the president could not quenched despite his attempt to violently put it down. This marked the end of the reign of Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine, and this did not water down well with the Russia government and was seen as a loss to Mosco. Risk Managers would have done a good job of educating the various governments on the implications given that Mosco would have seen it as a big slap.
Just about six weeks after, pro-Russia separatists initiated moves to take over the eastern part of the country where the contentious Crimea is located. Mosco would have seen this as an opportunity of annexing Ukraine to Russia, as such the possible undertone responsible for the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia. When all these war signs were written all over the place where were the risk manager, the economic intelligence ministers and the like, for various countries of the world? The ongoing sufferings all over the world would have been averted if the associated risks had been properly profiled.
Russia is the second largest exporter of crude oil and energy in form of gas, both constituting about 63% of the country’s export, the second largest producer of vegetable oil. Ukraine is the largest exporter of vegetable oil, the third largest exporter of corn and fifth largest exporter of wheat. It is evident that the ongoing war shrinks the supply of crude and refined oil, corn, vegetable oil and wheat.
COVID-19 and Risk Management
In November 2020, COVID-19 broke up in China but the world did not border much on the possible risk exposure. The risk managers were busy with the financial related matters as usual until the whole world was almost consumed in 2021 by the pandemic. This cost to world economy cannot be recovered in another decade possibly. Where were the risk managers? Could the appropriate measure not be taken to reduce the eventual exposure?
The world has learned a lot of lessons in the not-distant past, as such the following steps are recommended: