Global growth V/S Global markets
The economic term has been changed because of economic growth overcome by markets. years ago economic fundamentals or company's fundamental reflects on share performance but current business environments has been changed. performance ,guidance,executions overcome by current market strategy and manuplations.
after a lackluster growth in 2016-17,17-18 but 2018-19 will be cautious stronger growth in advanced economies. Among advanced economies United states,have been registered growth between 3 to 3.5%. The main concern is European union members growth below expectation Brixit settlement yet to be negotiation and renegotion because this situation like pendulum. Emerging market growth will be cautious China who has witnessing three decades of double digit growth and since 2015 China's economic growth structure has been change, Chenese economic model, traditionally based on manufacturing, investments and exports oriented but they are transitioning towards domestic consumption,and accelerate population for self consumption and for national policy.Chinese slowdown attributed global economic slowdown, I don't analyse how Chinese economy react when natural resources price and production pick up but some high pollution became a big risk in China, China has transformed over the four decades from an economic backwater to an unrivaled industrial power house that consume huge amount of raw matrials and energy the tremendous change has lifted 35% to 46% people out of poverty but also polutted the country,s air,water physical fatigue but now China want to clean up pollution so transforming and pollution could dent Chinese growth, India once ahead of China in 1960 but today China is miles ahead of India, Current Indian growth damages by demonetisation and suddenly GST implementation. market volatiliy and market risk will extreme high. After long time all natural resources like iron ore,crude oil, precious metal and other natural resources out put and pricing are going high.but economic fundamentals and current markets peak never matched, 2016-17 to 2017-18 world markets behaviour was not real because all the markets are out performed for without reasons so currection will be double performed with reasons.