Global Governance System.
Cratosmundi Digital

Global Governance System. Cratosmundi Digital

■Trees manifest group behaviors, that is they benefit each other and not only feed themselves, but they can keep a fallen companion alive. They are responsible for feeding it through their interconnected roots networks under the ground. Building smart cities by imitating the geometric pattern of nature means including what is known as the “crack of shyness”.

■The action of nature corresponds to the initiative of smart cities. They promote collective value with a management approach on the flow of knowledge. It is a natural collaboration that acquires relevance in the current context of urban and cultural innovation, where borders as we know will disappear.

■For some time, the human being has been imitating nature; the web is an imitation of the electrical impulses sent by trees warning its neighbors of future dangers.

■Now we must go one step further on imitation. Smart cities should be a model of justice. For this they should train citizens who know how to dialogue, participate and deliberate; especially understand the other’s situation.

■Smart cities are cities of knowledge, built with new materials and new strategies; the digital governance of each one will have to face structural, social, political, information and technological problems crossed by the ethical dimensión.

■In smart cities DNA will be used as a USB. In this way we can transport and save digital information in the oldest and most efficient data storage system in nature.

■This will transform humanity. The cyber-citizen will arrive in which homo sapiens will radically transmute. This mutation is inevitable. The brain-body-network connection will lead us to realities that will be as (or more) real than physical reality.

■Nanotechnology will create worlds. We will live inside the network and we will transmit thoughts to each other like digital neural postcards.

■Smart cities will be made up of citizens capable of thinking in a network and designing a sustainable environment, and an efficient, ecological and connected green architecture.

■Digitization is the backbone of smart cities. This backbone requires balance to take advantage of opportunities and reduce risks.

■The new political system of smart cities is called Cratosmundi. It is no longer the power of the people but the power of the world. Cratosmundi is a Council made up of representatives of smart cities.

■In this context, the concept of citizen acquires a new dimension in which commitment is unavoidable. Borders as we know will consequently disappear, countries as well; autonomous and sustainable cities or regions will emerge. New territories will be represented by the World Council. Although each smart city will be autonomous in its laws and self-sufficient in its production; all will be under the laws of the Council of the world: Cratosmundi, the new structure.

■Cratosmundi is a political-social organization that attributes the ownership of power to all citizens in which collective decisions are adopted by each citizen through direct digital participation mechanisms that confer legitimacy on their representatives. In a broad sense, Cratosmundi is a form of coexistence in which the members are citizens of the world whose common goals is sustainable development.

■Cratosmundi will rely on the development of arts and philosophy.

■Philosophy teaches “learning to be human”, hence the importance of the philosopher as an educator in smart cities. The philosopher as an educator of an integral education allows the development of the personality so that each citizen can deploy his ethos towards excellence in the acquisition of virtues and values. We should build the ethos together to make it a common ethos, thus we can make laws and participate in the res publica.

■What can philosophy bring to the digital age? Philosophy contributes human dimension, reflection and ethics. Through philosophy the challenges and opportunities of the digital transformation of the governance of smart cities can be addressed. The governance of the polis will be totally digital, hence the importance of ethics.

■Digital ethics should be able to anticipate the evolution of this technology and the challenges it will bring in human rights.

■Ethical practice should also focus on the human-machine relationship, and on developing civic responsibility towards the use of that relationship and on the automation of technological devices. Man-machine coevolution presents specific ethical risks in digital technology and should be monitored to preserve the place of humans in front of machines.

■Are people ready for a better world? Do people have to have certain spiritual, intellectual, moral, ethical, and other qualities to begin transformation? Citizens should transform our way of competing, our way of doing politics and economics; we must change educational strategies; we must understand the place we occupy in the cosmos and achieve a moral and reasoning of respect and contribution. The inhabitants of smart cities should understand that Cratosmundi is a systemic network of collaborative action.

■The philosophy of artificial intelligence reflects on the imitation of nature in an attempt to find solutions to new problems and new interactions between the biological and the digital.

■Thinking about innovation philosophically, ethically analyzing the opportunities and dangers of the digital age will make us more humans and equitable; we must prepare for the transition to the digital age.

■The artificial intelligence network of smart cities forms a structure capable of analyzing the environment as a strategic asset without which the new social pact or the development of citizen awareness in the drafting of new rights and responsibilities would not be possible. The legislators of the world will be collaborative in the design of the new framework necessary to guarantee the freedom and dignity of citizens.

■The new order will bring people new and unique opportunities, make people’s lives more meaningful.


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