The Global Gospel, According to Bibi
Jethro Ndhlovu
Owner of Ascendant Consulting: "Accepting everything, expecting nothing. This is true power.
Truly sucks you in and Terrifies Grown, Powerful Men
The narratives that Benjamin Netanyahu, his government; his American, British, and German political apologists; and ALL his sycophantic supporters exploit the concept of "coherence," and therefore, "its believability."
Daniel Kahneman says, "The most coherent stories are not necessarily the most plausible, and the notions of coherence, plausibility, and probability are easily confused by the unwary."
Take the debunked story of the 40 beheaded babies, for example. Hamas is designated a terrorist group that commits atrocities on a daily basis, without remorse. Therefore, when that story was spun and fed to the "unwary," the complicit, and the deranged—even Presidents recited the story—it was swallowed whole. No reflection, no doubt, no hesitation.
Bibi and his "congregants," oh! They are so, SO good!
And that is the gospel as espoused by Bibi. A theology steeped in Bible prophecy, destiny, “chosen-hood," victimhood, obfuscations, denials, recriminations, threats, false accusations, and downright lies—if you could call that a theology.
And so the "unwary" public justifies it by saying, "Israel is a democratic nation; Israeli Jews are moral, persecuted people, 'Chosen of God,' a 'Special People." Just look how the world persecutes them," while Hamas are evil terrorists and Palestinians are human animals for supporting murderous criminal terrorists.
So the story HAS to be true, right RIGHT?!
I don’t know; let’s ask the BBC and CNN—in fact, let's ask the whole Western mainstream “news?” media.?
Watch Bibi, on stage, behind his pulpit, putting on a show with maps, pointer, the works, rubbing his blood-soaked hands gleefully, and literally shouting at the top of his lungs, "gullible fools." He screams.
But NO one hears or wishes to hear, coz either they don't care or it is just too painful—this late in the massacre—to turn around and admit, "Dear Lord, what have we done?!"
But just know this—unwary or knowing—we will NEVER forget YOU. The world WILL NEVER FORGET what you've allowed to be done.
Bet you CAN’T pretend NOT to have heard THAT!