The Global Economic Reset is getting closer

The Global Economic Reset is getting closer

21 July 2020, slightly revised 20h August

"We need a 'Great Reset' of capitalism - a move from shareholder to stakeholder capitalism," claims Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum.
"Capitalism has to close for a while and the state has to step up," writes respected business journalist with The Australian and the ABC, Alan Kohler.

You are a Futurist, SME Founder, innovator, CEO, entrepreneur ? Great! So, three big questions for you:  

How would you act now, if you knew:

First, our way of living is NOT going to return to normal. Abnormal is the new norm. This current global pandemic is just a dress rehearsal for a far bigger tsunami? And, after that, globally we'll all experience even more social, technological, ecological, economic and political tsunamis? Together they're making this decade, the most disruptive and transformational decade ever...

Second, we had just 6 months to prepare before this next major global ‘tsunami’ - a Global Reset – hits? 

Third, this coming Global Reset will be even more profound in its consequences –both horrendous and beneficial, both destructive and transformative - than the current global pandemic?

Please stop: Of course our team can be totally wrong, or partly right, about the Global Economic Reset. But please, Think!  What WILL you do NOW, if you KNEW this Reset – with huge social, technological, ecological, economic and political [STEEP] impacts will happen for sure?  Or happen with 80% probability? Or with 60% probability. 

Bing bang or slower evolution?

Because, if the Reset is not brought on suddenly and dramatically, it's evolving, it's happening, every day in front of our noses. So the issue is the TIMING, the suddenness, and the spread of the consequences! Not, IF it will happen. Think of the spread of the pandemic as an analogy.

Our view is this: Sudden Big Bang Global Economic Resets are not new. We've had five in the last 97 years. Now, we’re poised for the sixth. 100% certain. Timing, not so predictable. 

“Power politics is the art of who wins and gains, and who loses and pays. Is it feasible, that from the coming Great Reset, we will ALL gain? Or will there will be a small number of winners and billions of losers?"

We predicted forty-tsunami-like events

You see, for the last two years, our Fast Track Assets team has publically predicted, that forty tsunami-like events, would hit us all this decade – making this decade our most Disruptive and Transformative Decade ever

Starting in 2018, we predicted this will be a decade when the world’s elites, and the rest of us, go to ‘war,’ in multiple ways. A decade when citizens hit the streets. A decade of enormous behaviour change. A decade when there will be multiple victims, and multiple billions who survive and thrive in totally new ways. A decade where many old industries merge and fail, and new industries emerge. A decade, when with automation of services millions of old jobs will go and millions more will be created. A decade of enormous rethinking, retraining, reskilling. A decade when both socialism and capitalism meet more in the middle, and when autocratic systems go for a major run before they're whomped. A decade when our planet continues to hit us back for our extreme reckless, and wreck-full, behaviour. A decade when scarcity, abundance, trust, fairness, sharing, stakeholder capitalism, wealth and well-being shifts, will be on top of many agendas.

We did not foresee the pandemic

No! We did not foresee the pandemic two years ago. But we did claim global warming plus one other ‘tsunami’ would set the other tsunamis off.  And the current pandemic has proven to be that pivotal setting-off event! 

Now using the ‘cloak’ of the pandemic, as the justification, a human-induced, bigger tsunami - a major Global Reset - is almost certain to hit us all. Possibly in 6 months time! Starting Australia Day, 26th January, 2021.

We’ve acted

It is because of our conviction that these tsunamis and the Global Reset WILL happen, that we've created a very special group of Transformation Agents. We're freshly born, but growing to 1,000 globally.

As a team, member individuals, and member enterprises, are in a unique position to ride the 40 tsunamis – including the Global Economic Reset – to make really significant added value contributions, and to ensure we survive and thrive the aftermath

Old power groups are reforming. We can form a vital, innovative, 'countervailing power'.

Remaking our futures

The group is called, Futurists Remaking Our Futures Far Better”.  And, we maintain, you, we, and Foundation Members of the group have just 6 months to get our A… into G…

If you are not already a member, you may be able to join.

Urgent call

As a result, please take this as our urgent call to you as a Futurist, CEO, SME Founder, innovator, or entrepreneur: Please take off your sceptic’s hat for just a moment. And either prove us wrong.  Or else start collaborating and acting differently right now. 

Read this article, and the links, in full. Do more research. Talk with your peers. Make up your own mind. Collaborate. And act. Now! "Future thinkers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains."

We point you in appropriate directions

Here, and as a member of “Futurists Remaking Our World Far Better,” we point you in the direction of what to do. And how.  But you need to design, sculpture and take the action that’s specifically right for you.  With help from your colleagues. And maybe from the Fast Track Assets team as well.

So, Neville, how do we know we will have a Global Reset in 6 months?

We are sure, as sure as any human can be, 100% we WILL have a Global Reset during 2021. 

But of course, we cannot know the timing for certain. However…

We’re far from being alone!

In June, this year, 2020, during a virtual meeting of the prestigious and highly influential World Economic Forum, some of the world’s most powerful business leaders, central bankers, government officials and activists, and UK royalty announced a proposal to “reset” the global economy.

They announced that Dialogue Groups will occur around the world all this year. And that ‘The Great Reset’ – co-hosted by the WEF and HRH the Prince of Wales – will be the theme of twin World Economic Forum summits in January 2021. A WEF summit is normally held, each year, at Davos. Switzerland. But next year, the physical summit, pandemic permitting, will also incorporate events in 420 of the world’s major cities. Wow! Big time stuff… Big kick-off for a major global pivot!

New forms of capitalism

The high-profile group claims our world needs to remake capitalism, focus on the welfare of all stakeholders not just shareholders, and adopt more equitable policies, including wealth taxes, more regulation, more central surveillance, and massive green “New Deal” government programs. 

“Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed,” writes Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, in an article published on WEF’s website. “In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism,” he says. 

Schwab also argues that “all aspects of our societies and economies” must be “revamped,” “from education to social contracts and working conditions.” 

We agree!

Action by the elites, millennials and the big end of town

The January event is awesome in its scope – incorporating 420 city-based virtual meetings around the world, made up of global elites, national leaders, central bank heads, millennials, and many who head the world’s largest corporations.

We’ve designed an additional, but separate, power group

Our “Futurists Remaking Our World Far Better,” global initiative, is far from being such an ambitious undertaking.  And it is certainly not about controlling, or resourcing the agendas!   But…but…but…it still has a BIG chance to make a BIG difference. And we have a 6-month head start.

Our core proposition

What we reckon is that futurists, innovators, entrepreneurs, CEOs and Founder of SMEs are a different set of “elite” action-oriented individuals and enterprises.   

By acting collaboratively, in our own special, and unique ways as 1,000 distinct “Transformation Master Nodes” – we CAN remake the world, and our futures, FAR BETTER. Despite all the major disruptions, and huge obstacles, we all now face.

"This is neither a time for pessimism, nor for mere Pollyanna-type optimism. But a time for realistic and positive, can do, collaborating, shedding of the old, and creating of the new," I say.

We strongly maintain, positive, realistic, future-oriented individuals, and SMEs, have a unique role to play in this decade of wholesale disruption and transformation. We’ve called this group of us “Futurists”.  And that group can include YOU! Sounds schmaltzy? Mmmm, yes, but don't let that stop you!

Different types of "Futurists"

Some “Futurists” of us, are hands-on innovators and entrepreneurs who systematically envision a world different and better to the current world. We act consistently and purposively to adapt to new realities, and to manifest that better world, and those far better futures.

Yet others who claim the label 'Futurists,' at the moment, are more advisors than hands-on doers. These Futurists examine trends and project them forwards. They create relevant alternative scenarios, incorporating dangers, threats, and opportunities. And advise clients – often well-resourced clients – how they can transform Today to incorporate a variety of possible Tomorrows. They have the best sense of all of us, what possible futures lie ahead. And, even better, what more desirable futures we can jointly make happen.

Call to arms

Now, we call ALL Futurists to act on their own account, their cohort’s account, their community’s account and to step up actually to initiate and make new futures happen! That is fellow Futurists we move from thinking, conversation-ing and analysing, to ACTING. Move from being advisors only to becoming transformative DOERS, in carefully-formed cohorts: "It's re-tribal time!"

This is why at the beginning of July we set up the “Futurists Remaking Our World Far Better” group. And we seek to have 1,000 active Foundation Members by December 31, 2020. We're currently 1/3rd of the way there with 334 members. 666 to go! And that's a number full of symbolism.

Now the shift

Next January, at Davros, and 420 other cities around the world, global leaders and thousands of millennials will reformulate how the world could be - against the background of broken social contracts and trust in every nation. And, soon after, given they have formulated and agreed a new social contract, and formulated a different vision, it's most likely they will set out then to make it so.

In the meantime, right now, SME Founders, entrepreneurs, innovators and Futurists of every hue, have a key role to play. We have a 6-month lead start.

Our motivation

Our motivation comes from cultural anthropologist, Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

Our Motto

Our draft motto is this: “We positively transform our multi-verses - and make life better, fairer, more sustainable, and ‘richer’ for all: one idea, one person, one problem, one opportunity, one project, one technology, one innovation, one organisation, one institution, one nation at a time.”

Our call to arms

So…. this article, and posts on “Futurists Remaking Our World Far Better” are a multiple call to arms to all Futurists, entrepreneurs, innovators, and SME Founders. And other citizens too! Especially those at the senior end of the age spectrum. And millennials. And...

The First Call to Arms is for each of us to become a Transformation Agent, who decide and commit to our own chosen STEEP [social, technological ecological, economic, political] ‘wicked’ issues we want to see transformed. 

Two guides, of many, for us are:

o  The 17 Developmental Goals of the UN. Click each of the 17 boxes. 

o  The 250+ Transformation Maps of the World Economic Forum. An incredibly rich data base.

Our Second Call to Arms, is that once we’re super clear about the transformation we are prepared to commit to, we form a special cohort of like-minded, and same-purpose peers, to collaborate and work with us to become Transformation Agents - and make THAT far better future happen. Our chosen domain can be social, technological, ecological, economic or political.

The Third Call is between now and December 31st, we co-operate to work hard on the enterprises and professional practices of each other, so we future-proof each of them. And give us each a sound base to create better futures in the midst of chaos.  The pandemic has shown us the way! Now we can build differently and better.

Then the Fourth Call is for each cohort to act, say, 1-2 days a week, to make our world, and our futures, far better.

Our guide here is Venture Bank.

Ready, set, go!

All of this is getting us ready for the massive Global Economic Reset from January 26, 2021, on.

So are you prepared to commit and act now! Fast Track Assets exists to assist, if you require. 

And why not join “Futurists Remaking Our World Far Better” if you haven’t already?

#survive #thrive #GlobalReset #GlobalEconomicReset

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Neville Christie is a very young 78 year old. He's an action-oriented Futurist, serial entrepreneur and innovationist, committed to joint venturing with SMEs and medium sized enterprises of many hues to ensure we all survive and thrive this tumultuous decade. Among many roles, he is chair of i4Connect - the service delivery partner of the Australian Government's Accelerating Commercialisation grants.

Wilson Fyffe

Futurist advising corporations on sustainable investment

4 年

The Captains of Industry are constantly making investment choices (one of which is to maintain the status quo), within the infrastructure assets provided by government. Current technology provides an abundance of data for trends analysis within the segments of STEEP (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political). Useful insights can be found in deep analysis of the Social segment by applying Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs (Survival>Comfort>Acceptance>Respect>Creativity) to the major leadership personalities. What is driving Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping, Merkel, Shinzo Abe in their legacy strategic thinking?

Neville Christie

Championing a STEEP Renaissance: As we all become our best versions & together shape far better futures

4 年

Very articulate young man and the books he quotes from do sound very prophetic. As one whose remains supremely optimistic about the futures, provided we become future makers, i wholeheartedly support us all diving into the positive and negative events that are transforming both our world and our collective futures. I maintain this is not time to sit on our hands as if all things are predicted and we can only passively accept the 'inevitable' and adjust as best we can. For me trends and cycles are not destiny. However, some we are powerless to change and some we can change - especially when we form cohorts and collaborative to transform the aspects vital to us.

Anthony J James (AJ)

CEO 創新、技術、全球擴張和增長

4 年

Very interesting perspectives - thanks for sharing


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