A Global Dream! - An Africa unshackled!
I love Africa! From the heady waters of the Nile River to the swamps of the Okavango to the aridity of the Sahel to the boisterous exuberance of Table Mountain. Africa is a potpourri of creativity and dynamism. She beats with the rhythm of a continent endowed with innumerable resources yet she is floundering and has been for decades. There are pockets of excellence and her people are motivated and diligent yet we cannot settle for the status quo. We must begin to envision a continent bold and strong and conquering. Africa is no island! We cannot afford to build companies or even organisations that are only focused on local needs although that is important. WE are a worthy player on the global stage and our time is not tomorrow but today. I dream of an Africa immersed deeply in global affairs. Her voice reverberating from the corridors of the United Nations and actually being heard. Her gait strong and confident and walking the streets of the world's cities. I dream of an Africa as light and as bright as the sun. No longer the dark continent. No longer the continent of shame, poverty, lack, suffering and myriad impediments.
My Africa, Our Africa
Arise O Continent of my Birth
Arise like a shining star on a balmy night
Arise and exude your innate creativity
You are not forsaken
You are a worthy player on the global stage
Africa, my dream for you is global!
Go forth and conquer!