Global DIY Summit - Rome June 2024

Global DIY Summit - Rome June 2024

Wow, wow wow!! What a show, what an atmosphere, what a great family feeling this event has achieved over the years. Senior Leaders, Retailers, Suppliers, Consultants all sharing knowledge, expertise and industry insight.

Figures just in from Inaki himself....67% rated the event very good to excellent. Over 1000 delegates from 55 countries which included 300 from top retailers in our sector. Next years event will held in Lisbon, Portugal from 11th - 13th June and 72% of delegates have already confirmed their attendance. The Daley Hub definitely being one of these ?? Keep an eye on for tickets for next year to become available. You can sign up to their newsletter at the bottom of their home page.

Link to Chris Collison

We think I?aki Maillard and his team create this brilliantly. Inaki actually spoke about this at the conference :-

"Neuroscience suggests we experience up to 400 emotions in a single day. That's on average an emotion every 4 minutes!"

We have to provide a sense of belonging - 7 words that describe the summit:-

Inaki Milliard on stage with a big screen in the background showing lots of different coloured head shapes with the words Support, Understanding, Pleasure, Inspiration, Knowledge, Recognition, Affection written in big letters

So what were our key takeouts from the few days - here are a few soundbites....

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

  • Adapt, be resilient, innovate and embrace AI to improve productivity
  • Inflation came down as the factors through the pandemic that caused the inflation in the main have calmed, but even with that, AI could be the saviour of retail as it gives us a chance to maintain prices through improved productivity, even though wages will increase.
  • Ai will not replace humans, but humans with ai will replace humans without ai Peter Hinssen
  • Immigration suppresses inflation, immigration boosts growth
  • "AI can break down creativity into a process, but it cannot be creative" Katie King, MBA We need to keep a balance of Human and AI


"Perfection is a disease"

Tell your teams to be bold, manage mistakes.

Thierry Garnier CEO Kingfisher Group

“Failure is the foundation of success and we must embrace it. What makes a business successful is failing fast." …encourage it within your business.

Ken Hughes Keynote Speaker | Leading Consumer Behavouralist | The King of Customer Experience

Ken Hughes on stage showing his slide on the big screen of an image of building blocks in a pyramid shape with success at the top and failure written on all other blocks


Resilience - Daley Hub have been saying for the last 6 months or so....Are we causing our own disruption? Something to think about ??

  • We are at a pivot point where there is a possibility of deglobalisation as companies look at nearshoring to reduce their exposure to China, China weakens and Mexico strengthens along with India and south east Asia.
  • Global scale but with a local touch, more focus now on ranges in store to meet local needs, and that of a consumer willing or needing to pick up in store.
  • In this never normal, we don't need puzzle solvers but mystery solvers ??
  • "No one drop feels it is responsible for the flood" Jamie Pitcairn

Jamie Pitcairn on stage at the global diy summit with his presentation on the big screen showing the image of a droplet of water and the ripples that come escalate from it "no one drop feels responsible for the flood"


Change in trading

  • Healthusiasm - new consumer trends - Its all about health!
  • Home sweet health "I believe we are going to see more creative destruction, and we have to embrace ourselves for more change" Christophe Jauquet
  • Can’t change Business models without changing mental models
  • Opportunity or risk consumers deciding ‘do I decorate or spend on energy efficiency”
  • Seasonal peaks are changing in retail due to climate change.
  • Easter is not Easter anymore


Eco friendly

Fabulous discussions about the Scope 3 initiative for more information about this visit

To get involved and download the EDRA GHIN strategy and Roadmap or the carbon accounting guidance please register your interest with the EDRA GHIN scope 3 Taskforce here

The challenge with scope 3 is with over 70% sitting in power generation, that is then used for product production, what if we cannot verify it…then the majority of scope 3 becomes guestimate with massive assumptions ??

We completely agree with that this event plays a vital role in bringing the industry from around the world together in one central location. We get huge value out of this event from new connections, connecting with friends and colleagues, gaining new business, gaining fabulous insight as to what is happening in the industry. We come back buzzing with ideas as to how to implement these learnings into our own business.

See you next year !

Kerry & Clive Daley

Neil Munz-Jones, Kerry Daley, Clive Daley, Rainer Strnad, Steve Collinge
The legend Ken Hughes

Andrew Weiss - Bheta (British Home Enhancement Trade Association)
Wolfgang zu Putlitz
The amazing John Herbert (Co-Founder and Chairman of Global Diy Summit) and General Secretary for EDRA and GHIN
Mikko and Milla Ikonen (Worlds Toughest Fix) and Clive and Kerry Daley (Daley Hub Limited)
Our fabulous friends at Croydex

Won't bore you with any more photos !! ?? but as you can see we had an absolute scream ??


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