Global DEI News, Resources, And A Peak At What's New at Diversio HQ...

Global DEI News, Resources, And A Peak At What's New at Diversio HQ...

Event Replays And DEI Resources:

On July 13th we held our 'Driving DEI Excellence' event, shining a light on the importance of granular DEI data analysis, as well as introducing new innovations to the Diversio platform. Watch the replay!

This week we held our highly demanded Employee Engagement event, covering the meaning and importance of engagement, and the impact that diversity & inclusion initiatives can have. Watch the replay to learn more!

Global DEI News:

It's been nearly a month since the Supreme Court's ban on affirmative action, learn more about what this means and how organizations can help to drive positive change here.

Some news stories highlight the collective progress being made on diversity & inclusion and human rights. However, whilst there are positive changes in some areas, there are major steps back in others. Europe is seeing a rise of exclusionary legislation to the detriment of DEI. As a recent example, lesbian mothers in Italy are being stripped from the birth certificates of their children as a result of anti-LGBTQ Government policies. Read more here.

What's New At Diversio?

We have recently launched some new & invaluable features on the Diversio platform. A common theme among our DEI practitioner clients is the need to "do more with less" and stay ahead of industry trends. We're excited to bring a new feature set that responds to these needs:

  • Deep and dynamic benchmarking of both diversity and inclusion data
  • New analytic capabilities that our clients say will save them 1-3 months of work
  • Cool new AI technology that allows employees to share detailed feedback while staying anonymous
  • New capabilities to support employees with a disability or mental health condition

Let us show you what we can do for your organization!

We also have a new website so you can easily find all the DEI resources you need to drive change. Check out our website here!

Sign up to our free DEI Changemaker's Community here!



