Is it Global Day of CodeRetreat Yet?
48 Hour GDCR22 Participants Guide
In thinking about the GLOBAL Day of CodeRetreat this year, on November 5th, you would do well to ask "Is it Saturday Nov 5th yet (the answer will surprise you), and if it is then when are other people going to be awake, beside me?" Listed below are 4 sections, each with the answer to these questions as seen from that region.
US EAST - The official beginning of Saturday happens at FRIDAY at 8AM where you are.
Your AM: Well, you likely already know in terms of the rest of the US. The sleepy-heads on the west coast and in the middle of the country are always running late.
But, the Brazilians are awake, and Europeans and folks in Africa have been awake half the day already, and your start of day is early evening in India... and Saturday is just getting started even if you think it's still Friday where you are.
Your PM: OK, the left coast is awake now, and guess what: The Kiwis are starting to get their coffee as of your 5PM, so code on.
US WEST - The official beginning of Saturday happened at FRIDAY at 5AM where you are, but you were sleeping.
Your AM: Those eager-beaver East coast folks have been up for a few hours, but they're still game for some mobbing once you get your coffee. In fact they've been mobbing with others all over EMEA most of their day, so your morning is their evening and it's your chance to get in on the fun.
Your PM: Around 1PM for you, the Kiwis start their getting their coffee. By 3PM in your afternoon ?Sydney Australia and then the Philippines, and Japan will start to come online. ?Lot's of people to get to know.
EMEA - The official beginning of Saturday happens at FRIDAY at 2PM for Central EU and EMEA
Your Friday PM: East of you, the Kiwis and Eastern Australia are likely sleeping already but Western Australia may still be game a few hours as well as every place between you and Australia, like Singapore, India...and many more. That said, to your west, the US east coast and Brazil are awake and raring to go, and yes ... it's Saturdays (somewhere) already.
Your Saturday AM: Plenty of folks across the EU, UK, Africa, plus folks in Asia/India may still be game for some mob programming, although it's their evening. If you are up late (11PM), you can catch the morning in New Zealand, and the evening across most of the Americas.
India, Asia, Australia - Saturday already got started east of you in New Zealand before you rolled out of bed. ?But when you get you morning brew around your 8am, besides the Kiwis who are likely already going, folks West of you are finishing their Friday evening or sleeping, but... the Americas north and South are still celebrating their Friday afternoon or evening. Since it is legitimately Saturday, it is fair game and they may be looking for folks to mob with. If folks in Hawaii aren't surfing, sunbathing, or otherwise occupied, they may also be up for some afternoon mobbing.
Enjoyineering @ afrolabs, coder:LevelUp & friends
2 年And if you read that and are keen to join a remote, cross-timezone code retreat, a group of us, facilitated in turns by Bob Allen, Gregor R?hrig, Nitsan Avni, Christian Hujer, Nayan Hajratwala, Siddhesh Nikude, and myself will be there across all of those times. Sign up here: