Global Consulting Network
Serge Grabtchak, Ph.D.
Founder and President at HalTecHub Consulting I Entrepreneur I Scientist
We at HalTecHub Consulting are connecting people to businesses, businesses to solutions and solutions back to people. It makes sense because it closes the loop. By providing comprehensive scientific consulting to those who need it the most, the start-ups one can ease the burden they're always caring. So, why not help them? I'm knocking to the doors with a single question: "What do you need?" And it is the only question you really need to ask and then just listen. It does open doors and leads to exciting conversations. Even more important is to be able to deliver EVERYTHING (well, almost everything) they ask for. Because they always ask you in return: "This is what we need. Can you do it?" So, what is in your menu? Electrical engineering services? But they asked for optical modeling .. Oh, you don't do it? And this would be the end of it. Unless you offer anything they can wish for, from a literature review to assistance in product development in biotech, nanotech, pharma, medical devices areas with optical, electrical, mechanical, thermal, chemical engineering extending to management and funding services. A Consulting Mall. Did I miss anything? Perhaps, but you've got the picture! The true multidisciplinary expertise, a one stop for all needs, a TecHub. How can you achieve it? You don't need the office environment for it, forget about it. Old times...You need an organized network of professionals and entrepreneurs working with you and sharing your goals. You've been always told that networking is important, we all know this. But this kind of Global Consulting Network is essential for reaching very ambitious goals (of World Domination, LOL, sorry couldn't resist it!). Reach anybody, anywhere, anytime, be in control. In time of changes be the change! Start-ups calling for it.