Global coalition urges governments to boost climate ambitions ahead of 2025 deadline
Credit: UN Climate Change

Global coalition urges governments to boost climate ambitions ahead of 2025 deadline

Several of the world’s largest companies, financial institutions, cities, and regions have united to urge governments to enhance their climate ambitions before the February 2025 deadline for submitting emission-reduction plans to the United Nations.??

Financial Times reported that this coalition, known as Mission 2025, comprises businesses, mayors, governors, and investors and is supported by former UN diplomat Christiana Figueres.?

Corporate supporters include Unilever, IKEA, and Octopus EV, with additional representation through organizations such as the We Mean Business Coalition.?

Christiana Figueres led the UN’s climate change division during the 2015 Paris Agreement, which aimed to address rising global temperatures. She told the Financial Times that Mission 2025 seeks to counter the belief that accelerating efforts to combat the climate crisis is “too difficult, too unpopular, or too expensive.”?

The Mission 2025 group urges governments to ensure that new national climate plans for the next decade, known as nationally determined contributions (NDCs), are robust enough to limit global temperature rises to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.??Read more


