Global citizen science programme turns 50! And we call for action for wetlands and waterbirds...
Jane Madgwick
Executive Director @ Global Commons Alliance | Collaborative Problem Solving, Teamwork
The calls and sight of all kinds of waterbirds - and their fantastic migration paths are a source of wonder and enrichment in all regions and for all cultures. A good reminder that through nature we are all connected. By following their routes and monitoring their populations, we can understand where and how to support their survival, as wetlands come under pressure around the world.
On the 50th anniversary of the International Waterbird Census we recognise the dedication of more than 15,000 volunteers and invite others to join them - in bringing us the data that we turn into knowledge - that drives conservation measures locally, nationally and globally. We also encourage governments, companies and people everywhere to get inspired and take some positive action for wetlands and waterbirds where they need it most.
In January 2016 our offices and partners are organising special media events and waterbird counts at key wetlands....and we aim to build on that with the actions of many others throughout 2016. Join us! IWC50 Let's make it count!