Global Church Network Launches 22 Hubs Spanning 60 Million Square Miles Across Pacific

Global Church Network Launches 22 Hubs Spanning 60 Million Square Miles Across Pacific

“In order to complete the Great Commission, the leader must be able to tie relational knots to build a net that works. No knot, no net, not network,” states Dr. James O. Davis, Founder, President, Global Church Network.

On October 8-10, 2024, The Global Church Network ( ?in synergistic partnership with Dr. Suliasi Kurulo, Founder of World Harvest Center and Christian Missionary Fellowship, Suva, Fiji, hosted the FINISH Oceania Summit. Pastors and leaders converged together from 22 Island nations to develop missional strategies for leadership development, evangelism, discipleship, church planting and networking.

Rev. Kiel Maimai, Vanuatu Assemblies of God General Superintendent, says, “I was honored to bring keynote message at the FINISH Oceania Summit and look forward to launching the Vanuatu Hub in our nation!” Vanuatu consists of 80 islands that stretch nearly 1,000 miles.

The Global Church Network’s philosophy is to begin with the hardest places in the world to preach and plant the Gospel. The leadership rational behind this ministry philosophy is, if it will not work in the hardest places, then there must be a stronger, a more strategic solution to the finish line. Rev. Lgasiatama Mokole from Niue, the smallest island nation in the world, exclaims, “We may be a small nation, but we are thrilled to be included in the Global Church Network and to launch a Hub and bring incredible training from the Global Church Divinity School (” Niue has a population of 1,600 people.

During the FINISH Oceania Summit, everyone in attendance, was challenged to set a goal of the number of equipped new ministers needed to complete the Great Commission in their nation. The combined goal of needed educated and equipped ministers exceeded 30,000 for Oceania! Rev. Morgan Gegera, from Samoa, states, “We all have a role in the completion of the Great Commission, no matter where we live or how small our nation. We are honored to partner with the Global Church Network and are focused on Finish 2030.”

During the FINISH Oceania Summit, two powerful leadership luncheons convened with the 22 Hub leaders, who will spearheading the Hubs in the respective nations. Dates were set for the Hub Leader Training this fall with the establishment of their Hubs in early 2025. Upon the completion of the two-day leadership intensive, Dr. Davis presented to each Hub leader, a prestigious GCN Cochair lapel pin and brought a networking challenge.? Today, there are more than 250 Cochairs throughout GCN. Dr. Davis often teaches, “All of us have a role in the goal and a part in God’s heart.”

The Finish Oceania Summit took place after the Caribbean Summit, Asia Summit, West Africa Summit, Southern Africa Summit and East Africa Summit. Each summit focuses on the six steps of Find, Intercede, Network, Invest, Send and Harvest. With the value, visual and victory of the FINISH Oceania Summit, an international wave of momentum continues to build toward the launching of more Hubs, the expansion of the Global Church Divinity School and the fulfillment of the Million Ministers Mandate.

During the final summit session, the Hub leaders from all 22 Island Nations of the Pacific came into the World Harvest Center sanctuary, when their respective nations were announced by Dr. Ejaz Nabie, FINISH 2030 Director and Senior Pastor, Faith Assembly, Queens, New York. Each Hub leader had a person following him or her carrying the flag of their nation behind them. Upon the audience’s celebration of the Pacific nations, Dr. James O. Davis brought a brief challenge to them and officially launched the Hubs of Australia, Fiji, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Niue, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Yap, Chuuk, Cook Islands, Marshall Islands, Guam, Samoa, Tonga, Pohnpei, New Zealand, American Samoa, Kiribati, Kosraz, and Nauru!

During the final session entitled, Harvest, Dr. Suliasi and Mere Kurulo received the Global Church Network Lifetime Achievement Award. Dr. Kurulo is the author of, From The Ends of the Earth book, where he showcases his life story from a small village of 40 people to where he is today, having helped to plant more than 7,000 churches in 116 nations. Since the founding of GCN in 2001, only two Christian leaders have received this prestigious honor.

Dr. & Mrs. Kurulo were also given two roundtrip business class tickets from Fiji to Jerusalem, along with special hotel accommodations for GCN’s Jerusalem 2030 ( scheduled for June 9-11, 2030, in Jerusalem, Israel. Jerusalem 2030 will be the celebration of the 2000th birthday of Church. The World Harvest Center Choir & Ensemble will be bringing special praise and worship music at historic gathering of the Church. All of GCN’s missional efforts and strategies are leading to the Church’s 2000th birthday in Jerusalem.

Last, but not least, the World Harvest Center Choir and Ensemble debuted the FINISH 2030 song that fully crystalizes the entire essence of what FINISH 203 means and how the Great Commission will be completed. GCN and WHC are forming a media—music partnership to help promote worldwide more than 20 praise and worship songs written and produced the World Harvest Center Music Team. Dr. Davis said, “Some of the greatest and most enriching music in the world in general and the Church in particular, has been produced by the World Harvest Center Worship Team. We are honored to partner with them!”





Blessed to be part of the CMFI vision ???? #totheendsoftheearth ??



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