Global Call For Jihad
Mohamed Ahmed
Executive Director Average Mohamed Organization, Communication specialist for Republican People of Color PAC. 2020 State Department Citizen Diplomat, 2018 Global Ties Citizen Diplomat, Bush Foundation Fellow
Even in the western capitals of the world some have called for Global Violent Jihad. Islam is not a pacifist religion. Jihad is compelled on its adherents by the holy noble Quran and teachings of the greatest man to have live Mohammad peace be upon him. The question is this call for Jihad binding on the Umma or society. To whom do we owe our allegiance as Muslims in the struggle that is what Jihad means currently?
Average Mohamed has been for the past ten years making a case against this new age call of Jihad based on Terror in the world. Calling out as false teachings the values of Hamas, AL Qaeda, ISIS, Al Shabab etc. ?These non-state actors who tell our Umma or society. It is okay to go kill women, children, and men of innocence for their cause. Islam is not neutral we have advocated globally. On the premises this form of hate, and it is hate of our current civilizational means for theirs of terror is a value we at Average Mohamed can and have made a case globally against trying to win minds among our umma.
It is disheartening to see that we are where we were on September 11th, 2001, now globally. Average Mohamed says we are at a worse off stage. The creation of new generations of radicals is upon us against believers of the Democratic and diversity embracing world. To divide us along sects, religions, sexuality, color, and national origins.
The call of Jihad has now gone global again.
It is sad to see the failure of our democratic societies to come together to overcome. Some of us who tried like Average Mohamed coming from the right spectrum faced cultural, social, and economic subjugation by our own government in an arm of the FBI in America.
They not only embraced some of the far-left leaning activists only to see them wholesale abandon core values that state stand for democratic values of our American way of life. Learning from facts and reality that those they on the right put boots on and repressed remained true while their allies on the far-left abandoned democratic values that remain true today.
Reverend Martin Luther King taught us all. “The Ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
Average Mohamed has not only stood up for our democratic values to try win minds by the tens of millions to it, even getting death threats for it. We stand today to reprise and rebuke the efforts of the FBI in suppression of our voice in the world now.
We urge our democratic led government to come to aid and stop this off the books and by the books means of suppressing voices of conscious in America just because we come from the right, Muslim, or blacks in America.
Look around you we tell our government led by Biden Administration publicly now. We are where we were after 21 years of fighting terror and expending trillions, denaturing our democracy in rights, liberties, and freedoms. We are losing the world. Our government sadly only knows the use of Hammer on us Activists and the world. We at Average Mohamed urge let’s also use peaceful and nonviolent means to go about making our case globally against this new age call for Global Jihad. We have demonstrated the how to go about it, created a methodology and researched means of effectively doing it. What we lack in America is Freedom, Liberties, and Rights to continue with works. We can thank the FBI for that now.
Question is the Biden Administration solidly behind that too?
We shall find out soon enough.
Our Average Mohamed blacklisted and embargoed can only write about it instead of fighting for our democracies and republics. If we lived in a true democracy without National Security Paranoia means of Blacks, Muslims, and Republicans we would be creating viral products reaching tens of Millions of our humanity against this call for Jihad in the world.
We can now thank the FBI for not being able to do so as Free People of the world. Yet we remain true to America despite it all.
Even in controversy we stand on truths and democracy of Free Peoples way in the world. So should you all especially Biden Administration. That is our measure of an Average Mohamed in America now. We are those who believe in government of the people, for the people and by the people: Democracy. In Free Peoples Power to our destiny of Freedom, Liberties and Rights. Begging the question does the Biden Administration still believe that?
President Director, CSI with ASEAN focus on corporate investigations including IPR, debt collection & outsource security
1 年Stay resolute and continue your good works Mohamed. Peaceful jihad in protecting your rights in a free country and espousing peace in the face of global terror is an honorable cause. I am sure your children are proud of you.
Anthropologist and economist. Founding director of the first research team of sustainable economy in Italy (2000-2017). Learner, professor, planner, trainer and traveller.
1 年You have some options: 1) Renounce Islam and become a secular atheist or agnostic, or 2) Return to you ancestors's pre-Islamic traditions, or 3) Convert to Christianity and follow a church, or 4) Start practicing Buddhism, Hinduism or Taoism (the most peaceful religions in the world), or 5) Go to a Muslim-majority country. Islam is so much hated in the West; not just in west. Muslims are hated in Myanmar, Thailand and Sri Lanka by Buddhists. Muslims are hated by Buddhists, Shitoists and atheists in Japan. Muslims are hated in China by communists, atheists, Taoists, Confucianists and Buddhists. Muslims are hated by Hindus, Sikhs, Jainas, Buddhists and atheirsts in India. Muslims are hated by Christians and primitive pagans in Africa. Sunni Muslims are hated by other Shia muslims and vice versa. They kill each other to prove who is better as a Muslim. Muslims cause trouble wherever they go (look at Europe now), where there is Islam there is strife. Read carefully the history of Islamic expansion in Middle East, Africa, Central and southern Asia; you will discover that Islam has been forced upon people by violence, rape and plunder in most of the cases. So, don't be surprised by non-Muslims' hostility to you. Don't complain, please.
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1 年Promoting dialogue and understanding is a noble cause. Keep up the great work!