Global Beer Keg Market Size is Expected to Reach 749 Million by 2028

Global Beer Keg Market Size is Expected to Reach 749 Million by 2028

A beer keg is a keg-shaped container used to hold beer. This type of bucket is usually made of metal or plastic and is used for storing and distributing beer in places such as bars, restaurants, or family gatherings. In some cultures, beer kegs also symbolize a joyful and social atmosphere.

Overview of Market Development

As a unique packaging form, beer kegs not only provide a good storage environment for beer but also bring consumers a brand-new drinking experience. With the increasing demand for beer from global consumers, the beer keg market is also showing a booming development trend.

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According to our research data, the global beer keg market in 2023 was $582 million. In the future, with the continuous popularization of beer culture and the introduction of new materials, new processes, intelligent technologies, and other means, it is expected that the market will continue to steadily expand. It is estimated that the global beer keg market size will increase to $749 million by 2028.

Segmented Market Analysis

From the perspective of product types, beer kegs can be mainly divided into metal beer kegs and plastic beer kegs according to different materials. Among them, metal beer kegs dominate the market. According to our data, the global metal beer keg segment market size in 2023 was $495 million, with a market share of 85.05%.


Global Beer Keg Market Size Forecast and Market Share by Type in 2023

Market Competition Pattern

From the perspective of market competition, the concentration of the global beer keg market is moderate. According to the data, the total beer keg output value of the top 3 enterprises in the industry in 2023 was $183 million, with a total revenue share of 31.49%. The top three companies were THIELMANN, Blefa (Artemis Group), and Zhejiang Ningbo Major Draft Beer Equipment. In 2023, these three companies accounted for 12.80%, 9.99%, and 8.70% of the global beer keg output value, respectively.


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