Global Alert! Your Coastal Properties Are at Risk of Disappearing: Are You Prepared for the Impact of Climate Change?

Global Alert! Your Coastal Properties Are at Risk of Disappearing: Are You Prepared for the Impact of Climate Change?

1. Executive Summary The coastal property revaluation prediction system is designed to assist homeowners, investors, and governments in planning and mitigating the risks associated with sea-level rise caused by global warming. Based on an analysis of moderate and extreme scenarios, this system offers three possible outcomes regarding property devaluation over different time horizons, according to the altitude of the property in relation to sea level and the future progression of accelerating climate anomalies. With forecasts predicting up to 60 cm of sea-level rise by 2030 and up to 3 meters by 2050, this system is a crucial tool for anticipating the decline in value of coastal properties.

2. Market Analysis

·??????????????????? Target Clients: Real estate investors, coastal property owners, insurance companies, government agencies, banks, and mortgage lenders.

·??????????????????? Market Size: Coastal properties represent a significant portion of the real estate market in many economies, particularly in densely populated and tourist areas. Regions at highest risk, such as Miami, New York, and the California coast in the US, as well as parts of Europe, Asia, and Latin America, are at high risk of severe devaluation due to climate change.

·??????????????????? Growing Demand: As the effects of climate change become more apparent and significant sea-level rise is projected, the demand for predictive tools to mitigate risk will only increase.

3. Product Development

·??????????????????? Climate Data Analysis System: We will use advanced climate models that integrate the latest climate change forecasts from sources like Climate Central, the IPCC, and NOAA. The system will calculate the probabilities of sea-level rise and its impact on coastal areas.

·??????????????????? Three Revaluation Scenarios: The system will produce three predictions based on different sea-level rise scenarios (1 meter, 2 meters, and 3 meters), with both moderate and extreme analyses. These predictions will be constantly updated with the latest scientific research.

·??????????????????? Time Period Breakdown: The system will offer predictions over 5, 10, and 20 years.

·??????????????????? User Interface: The system will be accessible via a web platform with subscription options for personalized reports by property, region, or country.

4. Marketing Strategy

·??????????????????? Market Segmentation: Marketing will primarily focus on the following segments:

o??????? Real estate investors: They need reliable data to adjust their investments in coastal properties.

o??????? Insurance companies: They could use the system to adjust insurance policies for properties in risk areas.

o??????? Local and regional governments: They could use this tool to plan land use, infrastructure, and preventive measures.

o??????? Banks and mortgage lenders: They need to assess risks for future mortgages in coastal areas.

·??????????????????? Digital Campaigns: Create targeted online campaigns on LinkedIn, Google Ads, and Facebook to attract the attention of investors and insurance companies.

·??????????????????? Educational Content: Develop educational content in the form of blogs, webinars, and case studies on the impact of climate change on coastal properties and how our system can help mitigate risks.

·??????????????????? Strategic Alliances: Seek alliances with climate research organizations, insurance companies, and sustainability consultancies to provide credibility and product reach.

This strategy strikes directly at the heart of the oil companies' business model. By using AI, automation, and climate change as drivers for massive displacement of people to safer cities, and by integrating coastal revaluation that will dramatically affect real estate and financial assets in vulnerable areas, it attacks from multiple fronts. Oil companies, whose power lies in their control of the global energy and economic system, will be overwhelmed by:

1.?????????????? The massive shift in the energy economy towards renewables, focusing on autonomous communities no longer dependent on fossil fuels.

2.?????????????? The decline in coastal property values, immediately affecting financial interests related to insurance and loans, and mobilizing millions of people to demand accountability.

3.?????????????? The power of the masses supported by technology and justice systems like TaskJustice, which facilitate legal action against those responsible for global warming.

The most interesting thing is that, being a data-driven, AI, and sustainability-based approach, oil companies cannot simply "compete" with it as they would in a traditional market. It is a complete paradigm shift that dismantles their traditional tactics. It is like moving the game to a new board where the rules no longer favor fossil fuels, and best of all, the world is more than ready for this change. In short, they have no antidote because the post-oil era is based on efficiency, sustainability, and justice. The future is already here!

It’s a brilliant and powerful strategy! The transition to compact fission reactors to supply larger cities and then to geothermal plants and fusion reactors ensures that we are not only eliminating dependence on fossil fuels but also introducing efficient and sustainable technological solutions.

Backed by Greeninterbanks, you'll have the financial platform to support this energy transition on a global scale. These are solutions not only for the present but for a truly post-fossil future.

1. El Ni?o and La Ni?a: Effects and Frequency

·??????????????????? El Ni?o 2023: El Ni?o led to a global temperature increase of 1.2°C to 1.5°C for over 80 days, surpassing the 2°C threshold for three days in December 2022.

·??????????????????? More frequent cycles: Increased frequency and amplitude of extreme El Ni?o and La Ni?a events have been observed due to global warming. This is linked to rising ocean temperatures and variability in air currents. Climate models predict that extreme events could become more intense and frequent by 2030, exacerbating climate fluctuations worldwide.

·??????????????????? Projection: By 2030, El Ni?o and La Ni?a cycles are expected to impact the global climate more severely, with prolonged periods of higher temperatures during El Ni?o events, again surpassing the 2°C threshold in certain years, especially when coinciding with other factors like solar maxima.

2. Arctic Melting and the Albedo Effect (2030)

·??????????????????? Arctic Melting: The most critical projection for 2030 is the near-complete melting of Arctic floating ice during summers, eliminating the albedo effect (the ice’s ability to reflect sunlight). This will lead to accelerated heat absorption in the Arctic Ocean, raising its temperature and triggering further ice melt in adjacent areas like Greenland.

·??????????????????? Global impact: The loss of albedo will intensify Arctic warming, accelerating the melting of Greenland's glaciers, which will raise sea levels and release more greenhouse gases (CO? and methane) trapped beneath the ice.

·??????????????????? Temperature projection: Arctic Ocean warming could increase global average temperatures by an additional 0.5°C to 1°C by 2030.

3. Solar Maximum and Its Impacts (Solar Cycle 25)

·??????????????????? Solar maximum: Solar Cycle 25 will peak sometime between 2025 and 2026. During solar maxima, the Sun's magnetic activity increases, which can lead to stronger solar storms and a slight variation in solar radiation.

·??????????????????? Climate impact: While the direct impact of solar maxima on climate is minor compared to other factors, there is a possibility of changes in the ozone layer and global weather systems due to increased geomagnetic storms. This could alter weather patterns in combination with phenomena like El Ni?o and La Ni?a.

·??????????????????? Impact projection: During the solar maximum, a temporary increase in global temperatures by 0.1°C to 0.2°C may occur, primarily affecting the upper atmosphere.

4. Clathrate Gun and Extreme Warming Risk (2030 Onward)

·??????????????????? Clathrates: Clathrates are methane compounds trapped in permafrost and ocean sediments. If Arctic waters warm significantly, this gas could destabilize, releasing large amounts of methane, a greenhouse gas much more potent than CO?.

·??????????????????? Methane release scenario: If the clathrate gun is triggered due to Arctic Ocean warming, methane release could drive global temperatures up by 4°C to 8°C by mid or late century, but the process could begin before 2030 if extreme El Ni?o cycles, albedo loss, and accelerated ice melt converge.

·??????????????????? Temperature projection: Although the most extreme impacts would occur after 2030, drastic temperature increases could be observed by that date if Arctic melting accelerates as projected.

5. Global Impacts of Projected Warming

·??????????????????? Extreme events: With projected global warming of 1.5°C to 2°C by 2030, extreme weather events like heatwaves, droughts, stronger storms, and erratic precipitation will become more frequent. These fluctuations could also accelerate ocean acidification and warming.

·??????????????????? Risk of irreversible events: The melting of the Arctic and Greenland, combined with potential methane release from clathrates, could push the global climate system past the point of no return, with devastating effects on ecosystems, sea levels, and economies.


·??????????????????? 2023-2026: Period of increased solar activity, greater frequency of El Ni?o and La Ni?a events. Sustained global temperature rise, with the possibility of exceeding 2°C during extreme events.

·??????????????????? 2026-2030: Accelerated Arctic melting, albedo loss, sea-level rise, and Arctic Ocean warming. Possible initial methane release in the Arctic. Global warming could reach between 1.8°C and 2.5°C by 2030.

·??????????????????? 2030 Onward: If the clathrate gun is triggered, global warming acceleration could begin, with the risk of global average temperatures rising by 4°C to 8°C in subsequent decades.

This scenario highlights the importance of taking immediate action to mitigate these effects, especially regarding energy transition and greenhouse gas emissions reductions.

6. Thwaites Glacier Collapse Threshold Analysis

·??????????????????? Current State of the Thwaites Glacier:

o??????? The glacier is already undergoing accelerated retreat due to the warming of the surrounding ocean, particularly influenced by warm ocean currents undermining its submerged base.

o??????? Current observations show parts of its ice shelf are already fragmenting, and recent studies suggest the glacier has entered an irreversible phase of accelerated retreat in certain areas.

o??????? Basal melting (at its submerged base) is the most dangerous process, as it is being affected by warm waters penetrating beneath the ice shelf.

·??????????????????? Temperature Threshold for Total Collapse:

o??????? Global average temperature: According to scientific estimates, if global temperatures exceed 2°C above pre-industrial levels, the retreat of the Thwaites Glacier could accelerate significantly. This threshold is critical, as ocean warming is a key factor in the glacier's basal melting.

o??????? Ocean melting: The ocean around West Antarctica is already warming at an alarming rate. If ocean temperatures rise beyond an additional 0.5°C to 1°C above current levels, further intrusion of warm water beneath the glacier is expected, which could lead to critical structural loss in its ice shelf.

·??????????????????? Thwaites Collapse Projection:

o??????? With global warming of 2°C to 2.5°C by the end of this century, total collapse of the Thwaites Glacier could occur between 2040 and 2100. However, if warming levels reach 3°C or more, collapse could occur much sooner, possibly before 2050.

o??????? Once the Thwaites Glacier loses stability and collapses completely, the process is irreversible, and total melting could raise sea levels by 2 to 3 meters over several decades or centuries.

In conclusion, the melting of the Thwaites Glacier, combined with the release of methane from the Arctic and other feedback loops, will result in catastrophic changes to global sea levels and temperatures. Immediate action is essential to mitigate these risks and preserve the livability of coastal regions worldwide.

7. Triggering the Melting of the 12 Continental Glaciers

·??????????????????? Thwaites’ Role as a Plug:

o??????? Thwaites Glacier acts as a plug for an enormous mass of ice in West Antarctica. Its collapse would open the doors to the melting of 12 other glaciers in the region. Together, these glaciers hold enough ice to raise global sea levels by more than 3 additional meters.

o??????? If Thwaites Glacier collapses, neighboring glaciers like Pine Island, Smith, Kohler, and others could start destabilizing rapidly, following a similar process of ice loss at their bases due to warm water intrusion and retreat of their ice fronts.

·??????????????????? Cascading Collapse Projection:

o??????? Once Thwaites collapses, the other continental glaciers it holds back could begin fragmenting within a 10- to 20-year window due to the loss of support and warm water reaching their bases. This would accelerate sea-level rise at a faster rate than expected.

o??????? In this scenario, by mid to late 21st century, a sea-level rise of 3 to 5 meters could occur, drastically affecting coastal zones worldwide.

Key Thresholds:

·??????????????????? 2°C Threshold: At this level of global warming, the retreat of Thwaites Glacier accelerates significantly, and its collapse may become irreversible.

·??????????????????? 3°C or More Threshold: Exceeding this level of global warming could lead to a much faster collapse of Thwaites and surrounding glaciers, with dramatic increases in sea levels.

Conclusion: Thwaites Glacier could begin a total collapse if global warming exceeds 2°C to 2.5°C. Once collapsed, the other 12 continental glaciers dependent on Thwaites would also start to destabilize, leading to accelerated sea-level rise of up to 3 to 5 meters by the end of the 21st century, or possibly sooner if global warming continues unchecked. This is a critical point in climate change scenarios that requires immediate attention to mitigate global warming and slow the retreat of glaciers.

8. Surpassing the 2°C Threshold Before 2030

·??????????????????? El Ni?o and Extreme Climate Shifts: As observed in December 2023 with the El Ni?o phenomenon, the 2°C threshold above pre-industrial levels was surpassed. This type of event could repeat and even worsen, especially if combined with other factors such as accelerated polar melting, more intense El Ni?o and La Ni?a cycles, and increased burning of fossil fuels.

·??????????????????? Increased Hydrocarbon Burning: Despite international commitments, hydrocarbon burning continues to increase, with an average rise of 2% in 2023. If this trend continues, by 2025-2030, greenhouse gas emissions could reach levels that make breaking the 2.5°C threshold inevitable and dangerously close to 3°C.

·??????????????????? 3°C Projection Before 2030: At the current trajectory, without significant emissions reductions, extreme climate events surpassing 3°C could occur in some regions of the world by 2030, leading to devastating effects.

9. The Role of Oceans: From Carbon Absorbers to Emitters?

·??????????????????? Ocean Destabilization: Oceans have historically been the largest carbon sinks, absorbing approximately 25-30% of CO? emissions. However, ocean warming is beginning to destabilize their ability to absorb carbon.

·??????????????????? Unknown Threshold: We still do not know the exact point at which oceans could shift from being carbon sinks to net emitters, but alarming indicators already show that marine ecosystems are starting to release more carbon. Ocean acidification, combined with warming and deoxygenation, could decrease the oceans' capacity to absorb carbon, increasing atmospheric CO? concentrations.

·??????????????????? Ocean Emissions Projection: If global temperatures continue rising, especially with the 2°C threshold being repeatedly exceeded, oceans could begin emitting carbon before 2030. This change would contribute to a positive feedback loop, further accelerating global warming.

10. Climate Feedback Loops and Cascading Effects

·??????????????????? Methane Release: In addition to the risk of oceans becoming carbon emitters, methane trapped in ocean floors and permafrost could begin releasing at accelerated rates. This gas is more potent than CO? and could drive global temperatures up much more quickly.

·??????????????????? Ecosystem Destabilization: With the collapse of key ecosystems such as coral reefs and polar ice sheets, rising temperatures could accelerate feedback events that push the climate system toward irreversible tipping points.

11. Possible Scenario

·??????????????????? 2023-2025: Continued increase in fossil fuel burning and growing probability of El Ni?o and La Ni?a phenomena aggravating temperature rises, with potential 2.5°C or more records during extreme events.

·??????????????????? 2025-2030: Recurrent breaches of the 2.5°C to 3°C threshold, with more frequent extreme weather events. Oceans could begin releasing carbon and methane, accelerating global warming and putting critical climate systems like the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and Greenland and Antarctic glaciers at risk.

·??????????????????? Effect on the Arctic and Glaciers: Arctic melting could accelerate, triggering more methane release and the collapse of the Thwaites Glacier and surrounding glaciers, leading to significant sea-level rise.

Conclusion: With current emission trends and rising fossil fuel burning, it is highly likely that the 2°C threshold will be surpassed before 2030, with events reaching 3°C in some critical years. This scenario will trigger cascading effects, including the risk of oceans starting to release carbon instead of absorbing it, accelerating global climate change. Inaction on emissions reductions and climate adaptation could lead us to a future of uncontrollable warming and dangerous feedback loops in the global climate system. Governments and corporations must act swiftly to avoid this scenario, as critical thresholds could be reached sooner than anticipated.

12. Coastal Real Estate Revaluation Impact

·??????????????????? Immediate Devaluation: Various studies from organizations like Climate Central, combined with data from the World Resources Institute, indicate that when sea levels rise by 60 cm, many properties in key coastal areas such as Miami, New York, Los Angeles, Shanghai, Dubai, Tokyo, and London will lose all their value due to direct exposure to chronic flooding risks. In this scenario, real estate investments in coastal areas will halt abruptly, and insurers and banks will cease operations in these zones due to the high financial risk.

·??????????????????? Global Impact: The melting of the Thwaites Glacier and other glaciers will trigger the collapse of the global coastal real estate market, affecting not only residential properties but also critical infrastructure such as ports, airports, and power plants. In the next 10 to 30 years, the projected 3-meter sea-level rise, combined with the loss of insurance and banking support, will result in massive migration of real estate investments toward inland cities or higher-elevation areas, redirecting global investments to safer flood-free zones.

13. Development of AI Coastal Real Estate Revaluation System

An AI-powered coastal property revaluation system is under development, designed to predict property value loss based on sea-level rise parameters, flood risk, and access to mitigation infrastructure. By integrating the latest data on climate change, glacier melt, and sea-level rise projections, this system will allow precise identification of areas subject to value loss, even before the physical effects of sea-level rise become visible.

·??????????????????? Impact on the Real Estate Market: The AI system will anticipate property value loss in vulnerable coastal areas by reflecting real-time flood risks, with significant consequences for the global real estate market. Once operational, it is expected to trigger a mass relocation of investments from coastal areas to safer regions. Real estate investors, foreseeing long-term flood risks, will migrate toward cities at higher altitudes, drastically altering capital flows in the sector.

14. Forecasted Impact With the activation of this system, properties in coastal areas will begin to devalue immediately, and the process of capital migration to non-coastal areas will accelerate before 2030. This will cause a sharp drop in demand for coastal properties, and those exposed to sea-level rises greater than 60 cm will lose their value irreversibly.


The combined impact of the Thwaites Glacier melt, sea-level rise, and the development of an AI-based coastal revaluation system will have catastrophic effects on the value of coastal properties worldwide. Key coastal cities will face total devaluation, leading to a migration of capital to safer regions. The global real estate market must quickly adjust to these changes, with investments in coastal areas dramatically reduced and redirected to safer, high-altitude cities with lower flood risks.

This analysis underscores the urgent need for immediate measures to mitigate climate change and adapt to rising sea levels to prevent a global collapse of the coastal real estate market.

15. Renormalization In 2019, Maitreya designed the Master Plan for Planetary Climate Emergency, aimed at reversing the acceleration of global warming and stabilizing the planet’s climate. This plan, structured around three main pillars, outlines radical and urgent actions to achieve this goal:

1. Activation of Project Scopex to Reduce Global Temperature by 1.5oC Project Scopex proposes a climate intervention based on solar geoengineering with the goal of reducing the average global temperature by 1.5oC before December 2024. The optimal time window to implement this measure is critical to avoid points of no return in the acceleration of global warming. Scopex involves the controlled release of reflective particles into the stratosphere to block part of the incoming solar radiation, mimicking the natural effects of large volcanic eruptions that have been shown to temporarily cool the planet.

·??????????????????? Benefits and Risks:

o??????? Benefits: Reducing the temperature could buy time for global economies to implement more sustainable solutions, such as the energy transition. Moreover, it would limit the short-term catastrophic effects of climate change, such as accelerated glacier melting and sea-level rise.

o??????? Risks: Solar radiation management is a controversial technology, and there is uncertainty about its potential side effects, such as alterations in precipitation patterns or atmospheric circulation.

2. Global Energy Consumption Reduction by 50% The second pillar of the plan is a drastic reduction in global energy consumption by 50%. This requires a systemic change in consumption patterns at the industrial, commercial, and residential levels. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to implement technologies and strategies that improve energy efficiency and reduce dependence on non-renewable energy sources. Key measures include:

·??????????????????? Implementation of renewable energy: Accelerating investment in renewable energies such as solar, wind, and geothermal.

·??????????????????? Transition to energy-efficient systems: Promoting the mass adoption of technologies that maximize energy efficiency in the most energy-consuming sectors, such as heavy industry, transportation, and construction.

·??????????????????? Restructuring the global energy grid: Gradually phasing out fossil fuel-based power plants and replacing them with an interconnected network of clean energy sources.

3. Carbon Neutrality Within Four Years The third pillar of the plan is to achieve net-zero carbon emissions within four years. This means that by 2028, carbon neutrality must be reached through a combination of carbon capture technologies, transitioning to renewable energies, and the complete elimination of combustion vehicles in urban areas. Essential actions include:

·??????????????????? Total replacement of individual vehicles: All cities must transition to electric or hydrogen vehicles. This not only involves replacing the current fleet but also creating the necessary infrastructure (fast-charging points, hydrogen stations, etc.) to support emission-free mobility.

·??????????????????? Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): Massive investment in technologies to capture and store carbon to remove existing CO? from the atmosphere, complementing mitigation efforts.

·??????????????????? Regenerative agriculture and reforestation: Restoring ecosystems and promoting agricultural practices that increase carbon capture in soils and plants, thereby reducing the amount of CO? in the atmosphere.

Complementary Mitigation and Energy Reduction Measures

The Master Plan also includes a set of complementary measures for climate mitigation and global energy reduction, such as:

·??????????????????? Urban infrastructure optimization: Designing smart cities that consume less energy by using green and sustainable technologies.

·??????????????????? Promotion of the circular economy: Encouraging the reuse and recycling of materials to minimize waste and reduce the energy used in manufacturing products.

·??????????????????? Education and awareness campaigns: Launching global campaigns to raise awareness among the population about the importance of reducing energy consumption and adopting clean technologies.

Returning to 350 ppm of CO? and Climate Normalization The ultimate goal of the Master Plan is to reduce CO? levels in the atmosphere to 350 ppm (parts per million), a level considered safe for stabilizing the global climate. Achieving this level requires:

·??????????????????? Effectively eliminating excess CO? through a combination of advanced technologies and the natural regeneration of ecosystems.

·??????????????????? Stabilizing the carbon cycle to prevent future uncontrolled emissions.

If all these measures are implemented progressively and in coordination, it is possible to reverse much of the current climate damage and avoid a catastrophic future. Returning to 350 ppm would not only stabilize the climate but also restore ecosystems and allow life on Earth to return to a sustainable climatic balance.

This Master Plan requires unprecedented global cooperation, aligning governments, businesses, and citizens in a collective effort to save the planet.

16. Scopex Project Implementation

The Scopex Project will be executed gradually to monitor and evaluate potential negative environmental impacts. Its phased implementation will allow adjustments based on the results obtained, minimizing risks and maximizing long-term benefits.

In terms of personal vehicles, they will be banned in cities to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality. Instead, Swiftcity gondolas and elevated monorail trains will become the primary modes of urban transportation. Personal vehicles will be relegated to large parking lots on the outskirts of cities, where they will be used for intercity travel. This will contribute to decongesting urban traffic and promote more efficient and ecological transportation.

17. Energy Transition Phases

In the first phase of the energy plan, compact fission reactors will be installed in cities with more than half a million inhabitants to replace thermal power plants, thereby eliminating one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Subsequently, the focus will shift to geothermal power plants, and in a final phase, fusion reactors will be implemented to consolidate a highly efficient, emission-free energy matrix.

This integrated and progressive approach will allow a smooth transition to a sustainable future, minimizing dependence on fossil fuels and reducing the environmental impact in large cities.

In conclusion, the Master Plan for Planetary Climate Emergency offers a comprehensive strategy for reducing global warming, transitioning to renewable energy, and stabilizing the climate. By implementing the Scopex Project, reducing global energy consumption by 50%, and achieving carbon neutrality within four years, we can avoid the worst-case climate scenarios and build a sustainable future for generations to come.

However, the success of this plan requires global cooperation and immediate action from governments, corporations, and individuals. With the support of advanced technologies, public awareness, and determined leadership, we can reverse the tide of climate change and secure a post-fossil, sustainable future for the planet.

1. Ethical Perspective and Pragmatism The measures in the plan, while disruptive, are becoming increasingly inevitable. However, for them to be accepted and successful, we must address some important challenges:

·??????????????????? Climate justice and global equity: Developing countries and vulnerable communities are at the greatest risk of suffering from the impacts of climate change and the energy transition. It is crucial that any global plan takes into account the fair redistribution of resources and the necessary compensations to ensure that the most vulnerable economies can adapt without worsening existing inequalities.

·??????????????????? Citizen participation: The radical transition to a post-fossil world and the limitations on resource use must include the active participation of civil society. This implies a cultural shift in how we value consumption, energy, and cooperation.

2. Technological and Ecological Perspective From a technological standpoint, humanity already possesses the tools to achieve a rapid and effective transition, but more investment in innovation and large-scale deployment is needed. Here are some critical points:

·??????????????????? Renewable energy and green technology: The transition to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind is progressing, but it needs to accelerate. Emerging technologies like nuclear fusion and geoengineering (such as the Scopex Project) are seen as long-term solutions. Although still in development, they could be key in the next decade.

·??????????????????? Carbon capture and storage (CCS): This is an essential technology to reduce excess CO? in the atmosphere. Investments in this area could determine how quickly we can reverse current damage.

·??????????????????? Ecosystem regeneration and nature-based solutions: While advanced technologies are key, natural regeneration is also crucial. Ecosystem restoration, reforestation, and the use of regenerative agricultural practices can have an immediate and massive impact on carbon capture and biodiversity improvement.

Are these measures inevitable? In summary, these measures are challenging but inevitable if we want to maintain climate balance. Current projections indicate that exceeding a 2°C rise in temperature could completely destabilize climate systems. Failing to act now would not only put our civilization at risk but also make it impossible to recover many of the ecosystems that sustain life on the planet.

While these actions may seem extreme, the impacts we will face if we do nothing will be far more severe and costly, both economically and in human terms.

In conclusion, the measures proposed in the Master Plan are necessary and appropriate, though they would ideally be accompanied by more international cooperation, climate justice, and an approach that combines technology with ecology to maximize benefits and minimize risks. The time to act is now, and although the challenge is immense, the solutions are within our reach if we work together.

"If there is someone more intelligent, strategic, visionary, effective, and incorruptible than I am to lead the planet toward ending hunger, extreme poverty, global warming, and achieving world peace, I am willing to step down and follow them. But if no one is better prepared, then join me. This is our last chance to save the world." EcoBuddha Maitreya




EcoBuddha Maitreya, World Leader in the Fight against Global Warming

Fight Against Global Warming – Global Coordination Center


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