Real AI vs. Big Tech Fake/False AI, AI Washing and Existential Threat
"The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth".
"AI systems with human-competitive intelligence can pose profound risks to society and humanity, as shown by extensive research and acknowledged by top AI labs. As stated in the widely-endorsed Asilomar AI Principles, Advanced AI could represent a profound change in the history of life on Earth, and should be planned for and managed with commensurate care and resources" [Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter, Signatures 33707]
Basic Truths about AI = Machine Intelligence and Learning
There are three simple ways to measure our real intelligence: if we run away from the truth, preferring ignorance, or if we go for voting in autocratic political regimes, or if we believe in AI mimicking the human intelligence, our IQ is out of standard ranges.
To be AI literate means to be able to tell real/true/genuine AI from the AI washing products and services, like greenwashing, cloud-washing or woke-washing, It is all a deceptive business model and promotional practice, overhyping or defrauding about a product or service's use of real machine intelligence and learning.
To be specific, we start from listing some overhyped typical examples of AI washing products and services lacking the world models in order to be real intelligent:
AI chips, including?graphics processing units (GPUs),?field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)?and?application-specific integrated circuits?(ASICs). as produced by Taiwan?Semiconductor?Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC) and Nvidia, "the world’s largest?AI hardware and software company".
AI/ML models/algorithms/program, as if data "trained" or programmed to "recognize" statistical patterns or make certain decisions, or predictions or recommendations, imitating, replicating, or simulating the human brain/brains/intelligence/behavior/business.
ML models/algorithms/program “trained” by applying their mathematical frameworks to a sample dataset using "supervised learning, unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning".
Neural Networks as mimicking, imitating, replicating, or simulating the human brain's biological neural networks.
Generative AI, as if "trained" to generate human-like content, like text, images, music, audio, and videos.
Large Language Models, black box systems that use deep learning on large datasets to generate new data/text without any knowledge, intelligence or understanding, as Google's BERT or Meta's Llama.
Google's or Microsoft's search algorithms.
ML chatbots, as OpenAI's ChatGPT-x, Google's Gemini, Microsoft's Copilot, etc.
Recommendation systems from YouTube, Apple, Netflix, etc.
Amazon's “Just Walk Out” technology installed at many of its physical grocery stores, etc.
All AI tools, as imaged in the "best AI tools list" below:
AI or machine learning or. deep learning or neural networks or generative AI or LLMs
All these technologies are deeply unintelligent by the very conception and design, being without any "mental world models", internal representations, modeling and simulation and understanding of the world.
Thus they are "dumb as a rock" or statistically probabilistic data-processing models. however mathematically sophisticated and computationally advanced; for there is no real intelligence or learning or effective interactions and navigation of reality without its causal, scientific or common sense modeling, conceiving, conceptualizing, computing and communicating.
Global AI Illiteracy and its Global Consequences
The post is to follow up AI/Data/Science Illiteracy: learn, unlearn and relearn to reason about the world.
To be illiterate is to be unlearnt and ignorant, be easily manipulated, fooled and defrauded, or to fall for AI washing, whether you are investors or politicians, business owners or managers, researchers or engineers, students or the general public. Several regulations and guidelines around the globe addressing only indirectly the problem of AI washing, as concerned with AI transparency/ethics/accountability, like the EU AI Act.
The idea of Global AI Literacy is to stress that the world is generally ignorant about real or true AI, its nature, principles and mechanisms.
Today all the tech industry seems to be infused with AI. Companies in various sectors are touting AI-powered products and services, promising increased productivity, while many claims of AI inclusion aren't truthful.
It is mostly due to the total AI illiteracy resulting in the big tech AI multi-trillion fraud, shaming Madoff's Wall Street investment securities firm defrauding investors out of $64.8 billion in the largest Ponzi scheme ever.
What is globally promoted by big tech and big media and big universities as a mainstream or official R & D & I is a human intelligence-faking, human-competing AI with all realistic existential risks and threats for humanity.
For true AI technology literacy, it is essential to know that the human-mimicking AI is the 21st century top big tech fraud to be prosecuted under the Global AI Class Action Claim in 2025.
The big tech companies, like Nvidia or Google or Microsoft/OpenAI, have been accused of training their AI-powered large language models (LLMs) on licensed material without permission.
This is all the results of the harmful and unethical and dystopian but highly profitable fraudulent business strategy, as of replicating/simulating/mimicking the human body, brain, brains, behavior or business, tasks and jobs and created content.
Fraud is one of the most common types of white-collar crimes, involving deception and the presentation of false information for personal or financial gain.
All the human-mimicking LLMs/Chatbots/AI tools massively plagiarizing human content without any permission are legally illegal and must be prosecuted.
Again, the big tech AI is a triple techno fraud: first, its binary bits and mathematical algorithms, statistical techniques and probability models, have nothing with the human brain, intelligence, cognition, or experience; second, it is nuclear energy-hungry statistical software tools without any intelligence, reasoning or understanding; third, its outputs are mostly biased content, deepfakes, nonsensical or altogether inaccurate, “hallucinating” the response.
As of today, many are ignorant that a human-mimicking, human-competing, digital twin AI WILL replace human workforce for big business. It is only a few who can see all the implications. Being AI illiterate, people are badly brainwashed, being unaware of all the intended and unintended consequences.
We do our best to inform the public the truth and real knowledge about true AI technology, how to avoid falling for AI washings and a dystopian humanoid AI-dominated future, forewarned by social media, sci-fi, the movies.
Paradoxically, even AI experts, journalists, policymakers, and the public figures have to recognize that Big Tech AI is a global existential threat:
"AI systems with human-competitive intelligence can pose profound risks to society and humanity, as shown by extensive research and acknowledged by top AI labs" [Signatures, 33707].
"Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war".
Now, we have a big tech AI which is a triple techno fraud and global threat:
it is not any real or true AI,
it is not any human-like intelligence,
and its is all about deep fakes, biased content and massive IPR/copyright violation.
This triple techno fraud AI is to be hard-programmed as personal applications or LLMs and chatbots or neuro-implanted into the human brain with all the consequences.?
They can easy construct your doppelganger, aggregating all your sensitive data, personal, biological, social, economic, medical, etc. into a digital twin.
Besides, Big Tech AI is killing any real invention and innovation and technological progress, becoming techno-oligopolies, acquiring or destroying AI startups without really buying them.
We have to outlaw the big tech AI triple techno fraud unless they become techno-oligopolies domineering the global market, getting ‘inordinate’ power over our lives and future.
Real AI Literacy Framework for Real Machine Intelligence
Following the development of science and technology, the idea of literacy has been changing from an alphabetic and numeracy to linguistic literacy, from the read and write competences and skills to computer/digital literacy and ultimately the AI/Technology literacy of machine intelligence and learning, automation and robotics.
Generally, literacy implies the capacity to identify, understand and interpret, conceive, create, communicate and compute the world's data/information/knowledge, their ideas and thoughts, objects and processes, via all possible media, for all possible goals, in all possible contexts.
In a good sense, general literacy could be identical with general intelligence, human or machine.
AI literacy includes the knowledge and skills that enable humans to critically understand, evaluate, and use AI systems and tools to safely and ethically participate in an increasingly digital world.
AI literacy is the ability to understand, use, monitor, and critically reflect on AI applications. Or, it is "a set of competencies that enables individuals to critically evaluate AI technologies; communicate and collaborate effectively with AI; and use AI as a tool online, at home, and in the workplace."
AI literacy requires digital literacy, whereas scientific and computational literacy may inform it, and data literacy has a significant overlap with it.
True AI literacy encompasses
theoretical definition, knowledge, understanding of how AI works,
the rational way to create and critical appraisal of its systems and applications,
the usage of AI technologies,
its ethics, risks and threats,
laws and rules, regulations and governance policies.
In all, the Global AI Literacy Framework is to Define, Know, Understand, Create, Evaluate, Use and Cooperate with Real/True AI Machinery as Real Machine Intelligence and Learning completing and augmenting future humanity.
Some Truths about AI Washing and Its Implications
Due to the AI overhype and generative AI gold rush, the AI washing comes, when companies exaggerate the involvement of AI in their products and services, impersonating AI-powered products and services, promising increased efficiency and productivity.
Major truths about the mainstream AI everybody must know:
First, Turing had never suggested the Turing Test, but just the "imitation game" in his paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" (Mind, 1950)
Second, AI as the simulation/imitation/replication/mapping of human brain/cognition/intelligence/behavior in computing machinery is a fake AI, be it narrow AI as machine learning, general AI (AGI) or superhuman AI (ASI)
Third, there is no real and true, genuine and autonomous, self-learning and real-world, proactive and Interactive AI (IAI) in existence, yet, being under study and development.
Understanding the difference between real/true AI/AGI/ASI and fake/false AI/AGI/ASI is essential for the real progression in building a smart and sustainable intelligent future.
As a result of AI illiteracy, we see as everything goes as AI technologies and how the leading powers (Us government) and their leading technological agencies (NASA) misinterpreting the nature of AI, as in "Defining Artificial Intelligence":
<Artificial intelligence refers to computer systems that can perform complex tasks normally done by human-reasoning, decision making, creating, etc.?
There is no single, simple definition of artificial intelligence because AI tools are capable of a wide range of tasks and outputs, but NASA follows the definition of AI found within?EO 13960, which references Section 238(g) of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2019.?
Who we are
We have had dozens of million views on the FB 850K Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Deep learning
We have had several millions views on the Quora AI/ML/DL/AGI/ASI platforms
We have had several million views on the LinkedIn AI/ML/DL/AGI Platforms
We have had shared our true AI findings with the LinkedIn members in almost 500 full posts
We have had many thousands views and majority of postings on EU AI Alliance - Futurium Platform
We have had several million views and hundreds of global intelligence, smart sustainable world, continents, countries, cities, and communities projects posted on SlideShare.
We have had several million views and hundreds of AI articles on BBN Times
We have proposed Global Intelligence Platform: world's intelligence = community's intelligence + human intelligence + AI [ML + LLMs] + KG + Web data + IoT
We have been sharing the parts and pieces of our Proprietary Innovation/Invention, the world's first REAL/TRUE AI, reality-based, non-human, human-complete intelligence, designated as Trans-AI, to be designed, developed, deployed and distributed as Man-Machine Hyperintelligence (HuMachine Intelligence) in 2025-2026.
Its ontological/fundamental/theoretical/conceptual/mathematical/scientific foundation is the universal formal computational ontology of reality, causality, mentality, data, intelligence, computation and applications.
Last, but not Least
Real AI's world imaging/modeling/simulation/understanding is modelled as ontological/causal multigraph hypergraph networks, embracing all neural networks topologies, where the entity-nodes have multiple edges, hyperedges, and the hyperlinks have multiple nodes.
All complex network structures, from the cosmic web to computer networks to the internet's web or large social networks, from FB to LinkedIn or neural networks, natural or artificial, have the same multigraph hypergraph network architectures.
It is the ultimate IQ benchmark testing for all statistical AI/ML/DL/GenAI/LLMs models.
Real AI as Real Machine Intelligence and Learning simulates and models reality, instead of human intelligence, to understand the universe and interact with the world in the most rational, effective and sustainable ways. [Trans-AI: How to Build True AI or Real Machine Intelligence and Learning]
Resources for further reading
European AI Alliance