Global AI-Driven Marketing: Integrating China's Ecosystem

Global AI-Driven Marketing: Integrating China's Ecosystem

This infographic addresses the overwhelming amount of information available about AI tools globally and the disconnect between the Chinese and Western ecosystems. While countless resources exist, the fragmented nature of this information often leaves businesses struggling to identify the most practical tools.

To bridge this gap, this infographic highlights and compares key AIGC tools used in both China and the rest of the world. The tools were carefully selected based on their adoption and usage to help marketers and businesses find actionable solutions.

The selection of tools in this infographic reflects real-world adoption patterns, particularly in China, where users often purchase software and services through platforms like and other local channels. This is because many Chinese users cannot use credit cards to access AI tools sold in the U.S. or other countries.

While this provides a unique perspective on the tools favored by Chinese users, it's important to note that the information may not fully represent global adoption trends due to these purchasing constraints.

AI Marketing, Global vs China

Use this infographic as a guide to identify tools that align with your marketing needs, whether you're looking to expand globally, enter the Chinese market, or simply streamline your AIGC strategy.

It's especially useful for marketers and businesses seeking to understand the intersection of Western and Chinese AI ecosystems and select tools based on practical adoption trends.


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