Glitter coated turds or sunny uplands? The future is how you and I intend and perceive it.
The spectrum of that perception is in direct relation to our own state of wellbeing and consciousness.
Some would say management for the short term or short-termism with no consideration to longer term implications is unethical. Short-termism is baked into the way many businesses operate, not least because they're structured to deliver on quarterly results with their feet held firmly to the fire on growth bonuses and general performance.
It's a do or die approach. In the context of now, you could think of government election cycles. When governments are mid-term or even further through their governing tenure, many policies and plans don't get initiated despite proof of how much they're needed. This happens because a longer term view is required that may not deliver during the term they have left. So money would get spent, but the return not seen within the election cycle.
Put simply, short-termism is geared for more immediate gratification. Whilst a long-term approach concerns itself with longevity and sustainability, a more commonly held long-term view means a seismic cultural shift. And apart from deep seated conditioning, new technologies, market volatility and geo-political instability also creates a blinkered perception.
Longer term plans
One of the predictions for the years ahead is that the Tories are in such disarray that it will take them two election cycles to get back to a point of being realistically considered for government again. As I muster up a silver lining this may sound like a turd being rolled in glitter but if that particular prediction is to be believed it would give Labour a 10 year term and less likelihood of short-term thinking, a reason to be optimistic?
That sense of making hay while the sun shines, or let's make money where we can, until we can't anymore, is still being wrung out to the very last drop. The cliff edge reality is where we are from several perspectives. The challenge with that strategy is that longer term needs still remain, and they become more urgent, more expensive and more pressured.
Investing for change as a high value return
The choices of today, matter more. You and I, businesses, governments, and institutions have more pressing reasons to look very carefully at what is prioritised for now and our future.
The health and wellbeing of you and I and the global population, especially younger generations, is of primary concern. Why? Because it is humanity who sit with the choices. And the sentience and consciousness of those people dictate the nature of those decisions. Be the courageous, visionary, whoever you are. From CEOs to receptionists, cabinet ministers to baristas. Our state of being and the ‘four brain’ balance I talked about yesterday all contribute to a global revision, a seismic culture shift that you and I and everyone else, are a part of. If you still need convincing, be the silent watcher. Be aware of the knock-on effects of yours and others’ choices, actions and decisions. Observe it all and ask yourself how that sits with you. All the options involve change.
This is about global renaissance. It is a conscious choice, whether to lead or follow. It is as much about business practice as it is about human consciousness.
One cannot be truly well, in a world that is unwell. Making the difference means change within oneself, first. Do it. Don't wait.
For support, a listening ear and rubber stamped methods and solutions, contact me here or DM me.
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