Glimpses of God. What Are You About?
There’s very little that I know for certain—but I’ve come to know a few things for myself:
You and I are eternal beings—but not eternally static. We are creatures that can’t help improving ourselves.
Carl Sagan said: “If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, first you must first invent the universe.”
As a writer, I can tell you that The Cat in the Hat, simple as it is, could never have put itself together—nor could pie ingredients.
I teach digital design. Examine a daffodil; it clearly has a designer. Look at the function of your eye. Evaluate DNA—this complex code of acids must have a coder.?
There is a power superior to mine/yours—and that Essence is kinder and more able than we know. There is also a power inferior to humans that is mean and deceptive. Many people follow it, becoming weaker, meaner, and separate from truth (joy) in the process.
We ultimately get what we most desire (though that can change over time—thank goodness!).
God doesn’t make mistakes
We are family—ALL of us! Our differences are the gifts we give to each other; we’ll always need each other.
See more here—and comment on your glimpses of God and what YOU are about.