Glimpse on Latest Laravel Update - 5.4
Nisha Patel
Driving Digital Success: Crafting Marketing Strategies That Fuel Sales and Foster Customer Loyalty
Laravel was considered as the top rated PHP framework in 2016 and the trend of Laravel is yet to stay this year because of its latest release of Laravel 5.4. Alke previous versions i.e Laravel 5.3, this version also comes with new and improved features that include support of Laravel Dusk, markdown and the improvements in Redis clustering.
With the introduction of the Laravel 5.4, many new features were introduced. Let’s have a brief idea about it.
Laravel Dusk
Laravel Dusk is an overall a browser testing tool for JavaScript enabled applications i.e button and link clicks within an application. It utilizes ChromeDriver and Facebook Php-web driver. It works with the Selenium browser, but it arrives with ChromeDriver by default that saves you from installing JDK or Selenium. The main advantage is that Dusk provides handy helper methods like loginAs that allow giving a user instance.
Real Time Facades
In Laravel 5.4, easily converts your application class into a facade. Unlike the previous version, there is no need to create your own facades, the new update can do it on-demand for you to get rid of countless onlookers.
Markdown Mail & Notification
Laravel 5.4 arrives with pre-built markdown templates and components for mail and notifications. This helps developers to generate responsive HTML emails. When you send email, you can integrate Markdown with Blade components to provide maximum flexibility.
Laravel Mix
Elixir API is now followed by Laravel Mix. It is introduced first time in the updates of Laravel. Though both versions are continued to exist, Mix is recommended to be build tool wrapper of choice. It is developed in Webpack and offers nearly exact same friendly API that you're already used to.
Redis Cluster Support
Now you can get rid of clustering the single host in the same application. In the latest update, you can now define Redis connections to a number of single hosts and multiple clusters within the same application.
Collections Support Higher Order Messages
Collections in the latest update provide short-cuts or you can say "higher order messages" to perform common actions on them. Moreover, Laravel 5.4 has introduced a host of features that provides the ease of application development using the framework.
Blade Components and Slots
Blade components and slots are quite similar to sections and layouts but they are more easy and flexible way to create templates. If you are known to Vue.js then this provides pretty much same.
Among the different features and improvements in the release of Laravel 5.4, special attention is given for:
You can find the complete changelog here
Laravel 5.4 has come up with many exciting features, along with the improvements in existing features. I had briefly marked some of the necessary features. If you have any queries or questions, reach us.