Glimpse of Hope
In a letter to Bozzuto employees, President and CEO Toby Bozzuto stated:
If only for a moment, the verdict in the George Floyd trial has given us a glimpse of hope. I am reminded of the first week of spring, when buds on bare branches defiantly challenge the cold with the promise of blossoms.
Like any moment however, this moment could be fleeting and lost if we don’t learn from it.
This is a time where as a nation we must take a small step forward and focus on unity rather than division. It is also important to acknowledge that this is just one step on a very long road. There is so much more work to do.
In a letter to a friend Albert Einstein wrote, “A human being is part of a whole, called by us the “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
At The Bozzuto Group, we will embrace this task and seek to consistently execute our work with compassion and empathy. We will use this moment in time to reinforce our commitment to being a family taking care of family. We will continue to stand for what is good and what is right. We will relentlessly pursue a culture of belonging, inclusion, respect, and equity for all.
My prayers go to the Floyd family, to Black Americans, and to all of those who have suffered without the dignity of justice.
Warm regards,
3 年That statement alone is heart felt
The Health Architect
3 年I appreciate this post not because it was well written and shares the wisdom of Einstein but because I met you and you graciously extended me your time during a dark time in my life personally and professionally. Nothing ever materialized through our exchange but I appreciated our talk then and I appreciate your prayers and blessings now because I know that your words and acts are sincere. We are all connected and the moments we have on this earth are precious why not just be kind. I will be moving abroad soon but I will continue to follow you via Linkden. I just thought I would return the favor and let you know I appreciate you.
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3 年Words do matter and I want to thank you for speaking the truth and acknowledging this moment with understanding and conviction. We do have work to do but when people like you speak up, it helps to bring awareness and pave the way for a better future.
Thank you for this support, I am proud to live in a Bazzuto property.
Real estate experience: lease and renovate, urban planning education.
3 年Toby, I’m proud to be a part of the Bozzuto family...the mission and vision of this company, is both personal and professional, and you and the rest of the company’s leadership demonstrate this daily. Thank you for your mindfulness, and respect for all human beings! Karl-Spoke Apartments, Chicago.