A glimpse of a display technology beyond the flat panel
Just maybe we have the first real hint of what might be next in display technologies.
Just like in the heyday of CRT, thinking that there could be ultra high resolution HUGE curved displays was the stuff of science fiction.
But here we are today with incredible display technologies for our TV’s and our computer screens.
The SAMSUNG Neo G9 represents the pinnacle of the display technologies we have access to today. 4 of them arranged next to each other will form a 360-degree circle around you!
But now, there is a REAL hint of what is next. As with technologies that have been developed for some time in the audio space with Wave field Synthesis which is a method of constructing sound waves through secondary sources, the technology to do similar things with photons has now been demonstrated. See here: https://venturebeat.com/2021/10/07/light-field-lab-shows-off-solidlight-high-res-holographic-display/
It is likely that only as we get to the 2030’s will we see this type of technology starting to compete with what we have today, just like how flat panels took over from CRT displays. These types of displays will completely change how we interact with computers in ways that we can’t even imagine!
Time to dust off some of our old science fiction stories!
I highly recommend you reading and watching “Foundation” which is the Science Fiction story that precedes Star Wars written before man even landed on the moon. In that story, now a series on Apple TV you actually see a type of representation of this 3D technology.
It is from the same author, we have the “Three Laws of Robotics”?