A glimpse of BREXIT implications on Chemical management in UK
Picture adapted from Article by Claudio Mereu and Koen Van Maldegem

A glimpse of BREXIT implications on Chemical management in UK


ECHA’s overall general operations in safe use of chemicals in rest of the European companies (EU-27) will be untouched by BREXIT

Data submitted for public interest prior to Brexit in regard to safety of chemicals will still be available on ECHA database

Validity of approval for active substance remains unaffected after BREXIT, if any active substance is approved by UK and EU prior to UK withdrawal

Data sharing mechanisms remain untouched

UK request for approval of active substances of biocides on inclusion in annex I

REACH 2018 deadline for UK


ECHA might cut their co-operation with UK authorities with effective from 30 March 2019 (Expected official date of complete BREXIT)

Stakeholders, industrial associations and civil society representatives linked with UK should be ready to face new environment

If UK based company is a part of the supply chain that links to the business located within the EU-27 countries, then expect to face some fundamental changes

Current UK based registrant companies will be non-registered and the customers of EU-27 or EEA should need to register the respective substances by themselves

UK based companies who wish to continue supply to other EU-27 or EEA countries either need to relocate or designate separate representative in EU-27 or EEA countries

ECHA might charge fee for change in or transfer of registrant from UK to EU-27 countries or designated representative

Any joint submissions with UK as lead registrant need to change their lead registrant before March 2019

Regulations pertinent to EU and non-EU countries in regard to import and export will now hold to UK after BREXIT and UK might loose its member state powers of REACH

Special Note: All these implications might come into effect from March 2019. Additional changes and modifications will be there as potential future agreement based on Article 50 negotiations and negotiations done by chief negotiator Michel Barnier. UK being part of some safety Treaties like Rotterdam convention, will still be liable to strict regulations under its own designated national authority.   

Source: https://echa.europa.eu/uk-withdrawal-from-the-eu

Images form Apk.net & Social-Engineer.Org


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