Glide will you?
Imagine you're a flying thing. Just please go with it...
You have 2 choices - Fly with the wind. They* will give you no engine - no thrust - no vector and no control.
I repeat. No control.
Do what you can do with your skill. And the unpredictability of the wind.In theory - if you do it right - you can soar for ever.
Option 2 - they* give you a turbine engine.
You take your flying to where you wanna go - wind or not. You are in control of your flying.
How much fuel is enough?
Gliders are equally fu#ked. You're always going down unless the wind picks you up.
All famous self-help book authors seem to agree that none of us will live long enough to experience both.
I'm selfish - I want both. Will you give me 15 mins of your time - I'd like to throw some ideas at your brain. Maybe we both can get both.
*They are the people at La La Land.