Glass TEXpo May 11-12, San Antonio
Smartlift US, Inc.
We produce and sell vacuum lifters for glass and stone industry professionals in the US. Smartlift - the safe choice!
Meet us at Glass TEXpo May 11-12
The annual trade show Glass TEXpo is coming back to San Antonio TX next month.
We look forward to meet up with old and new friends and partners in the architectural glass and metal industry.
Make sure to stop by booth #605, where you can see a variety of glazing robots for indoor and outdoor use.
Meet our local Texan Sales Manager Mike DeBotte at Glass TEXpo May 11-12, where he will be happy to greet you.
You can already at this time arrange a meeting with Mike DeBotte at Glass TEXpo:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +1 430 207 4003
New website
We’re happy to present a new website.
Smartlift has created a user-friendly environment, where you easily find the different models, and see how the different modification can help you.
On the website you are able to request the price for each individual model with or without extra equipment.
Financing is offered throughout the USA at competitive prices.?
Meet the team: Mike DeBotte (TX)
Before joining Smartlift, I worked in the construction industry where I had to do a lot of heavy lifting. One day, I stumbled upon Smartlift. I was excited about the possibility of showing others how Smartlift could help keep them safe and healthy, while also protecting employers from the fallout of work-related injuries.
Visiting potential customers and demonstrating how Smartlift can improve their working conditions and safety is something I genuinely enjoy. It's fulfilling to know that I can contribute to making a positive impact on people's work lives.
During my free time, I enjoy cooking and exploring various forms of physical training.
Get in touch with Mike:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +1 430 207 4003?