Glass Half Full or Half Empty ?
People who understand the power of their own viewpoint do not become victims of circumstance. Whatever the situation, they identify the challenges and the opportunities which are presented to them at the moment.
For Example, Two people can be in the same meeting, hear the same speaker communicate the same message - yet once the meeting is over, each person's perception of the event is totally different?
Why the different perception?
Simple! We each have the ability to choose our outcome. We may not like the choices in front of us at the time - but at least we have the ability to choose our path.
One thing is for certain - doing nothing, ensures failure.
# Losing your job?
Initial Reactions: "Poor me. That's not fair! Why me? My life is over!" etc.
CLICK! "Okay, this is interesting. I guess now I have the opportunity to do something totally different. I could allow myself to be scared, but I choose to be excited instead. Obviously, something greater is awaiting me just around the corner. I can't wait to get started!"
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sometime bad things happen for something really good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!