The Glass Ceiling and the Law of the Lid
Shawn Johnson
Inspiring a culture of generational inclusion where an attitude of curiosity leads to understanding, mutual, respect, and collaboration. Keynote Speaker, Trainer, Intergenerational Expert and Team Builder. Farm Girl!
The term “the glass ceiling” is often used to describe an invisible barrier that prevents minorities from reaching higher levels within the organization. The United States Federal Glass Ceiling Commission defines the glass ceiling as “the unseen, yet unbreachable barrier that keeps minorities and women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements.” I believe the first time I became familiar with the term was while reading Working Women magazine back in the 1980’s. Most of us have heard the term used through the years and it is often used when discussing the number of women in top management positions in business. It seems to many that there truly is an “invisible barrier” keeping many women from going to the very top of an organization.
I want to propose that there is another ceiling or perhaps a “lid” that is keeping many of us from reaching the upper rings of our organization. This “lid” is also keeping us from reaching our full potential! However, there is no reason to be discouraged about this “lid” because we can raise it on our own. Let me explain.
The Law of the Lid says that “Leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness.” You will never be able to lead beyond your own skill level and that will keep you in the same position indefinitely. The good news is that you can grow your leadership ability and “raise” the lid!
While some people may seem to be “born with leadership skills,” everyone can develop these skills. It takes some dedication and a deliberate plan. Here are some things you can start doing today:
1. Assess where you are now. Ask for honest feedback that you can trust.
2. Read and study leadership books, self-development books and books that pertain to your industry.
3. Hire a professional coach
4. Seek out exemplary leaders that you know and ask for advice.
5. Look for opportunities to add value to everyone you are in contact with.
6. Reflect each day on what is working and what you can do better next time.
While we may not be able to shatter the glass ceiling in certain organizations, we can raise our lid! It just takes intentional effort to grow and improve our competence. This is a daily process that we engage in everyday as we make choices about how to spend our time and where to put our efforts. Start raising your lid now and you’ll begin to see results in your own career!