GIZ Albania_Call for Intern - Data Management and Data Visualization
Project: EU4Innovation
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) is a federal enterprise that supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development.
EU4Innovation is a Multi Donor Action jointly co-financed by the EU, the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Sida and implemented by GIZ (output 1-4) and Sida (main part of output 2) from January 2023 to June 2026 (42 months). The EU undertakes to provide a contribution up to EUR 10,000,000, the BMZ up to EUR 1,200,000 and Sida up to EUR 550,000.
The Action supports the Government of Albania (GoA) in achieving key objectives in the field of economic development, namely, to accelerate the transformation into a more innovation-driven and knowledge-based economy, unlocking its human capital, entrepreneurial as well and research potential and thereby increasing its competitiveness.
?The specific objective (outcome) of the Action is: maturity and exposure of the Albanian start-up and innovation ecosystem and its stakeholders are increased. This objective is pursued through activities in four main result areas (outputs).
?Output 1 puts capacity development (CD) addressing the start-up and innovation ecosystem at centre stage. Already existing actors and services will be strengthened to deliver qualitative and sustainable services. New public and private actors will be encouraged to enter the Albanian start-up and innovation ecosystem to complement current services. The responsibility for implementation of this output lies with GIZ.
?Output 2 will improve access to finance for Albanian start-ups and Innovation Support Organisations (ISOs). As a continuation of the challenge fund managed by Sida during phase 1, the grant scheme will target innovative (i) Micro, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) / start-ups and (ii) start-ups with a prominent tech content, with the potential to go global and grow fast. It includes businesses at all stages of development (idea, validation, growth, scale-up). Next to that, GIZ will provide grants and capacity development to ISOs. Selected activities in the areas of crowdfunding, angel and equity investment complement this approach on GIZ side.
?Output 3 promotes and implements the Quadruple Helix (QH) approach to generate innovation and economic growth. The target group is opened also to younger generations. Paradigmatic activities include green / circular project pilots on community level, awareness raising events and skills development programmes, e.g., via progressively integrating entrepreneurship education into university curricula. The responsibility for implementation of this output lies with GIZ.
?Output 4 promotes Albania as a start-up and innovation ecosystem and destination for international and domestic innovators and entrepreneurs. The Action will design awareness raising campaigns and activities to promote key actors within the ecosystem, who can serve as ambassadors and role models. The responsibility for implementation of this output lies with GIZ.
?GIZ Office Albania seeks the following staff: Local Intern – Data Management & Data Visualization
?Objective and Function:
EU4Innovation is looking for a data management & data visualization Intern who will work under the supervision of the Project Manager starting from 13 January 2025, for a period of up to 6 months.
?The main area of work will be related to assist project management in developing a data management approach for innovation, start-up and business support as well as and project progress tracking in close collaboration with all Technical Advisors.
Moreover, the intern will support with tasks related to collect, analyse and present data and information in appropriate formats in regard to innovation, start-up promotion and project progress tracking Previous experience in working with cloud-based Microsoft Office are considered key for this internship.
??A.???? Responsibilities
The intern is responsible for:
??B.???? Required qualifications, competences and experience
?What we offer to you
?Contract conditions
·???????? Full-time/part-time paid internship
·???????? Project office in Tirana
·???????? Duration: 13.01.2025 - 12.07.2025
Please forward your application until 17 November 2024 to GIZ Office Albania by E-Mail: [email protected] including the following information: Application letter, CV in English (Euro Pass format), references.
GIZ wants to increase the proportion of people with disabilities in the company. Therefore, we look forward to receiving appropriate applications!
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews. They will be asked to bring certified copies of their diplomas / no objection certificate from the university in case the candidate is in the academic year.
GIZ is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from all interested groups without any discrimination!