Brianna Bean
"making it happen" | proud recruiter | pr pro | car business gal | all about community
Hi LinkedIn Friends!
In the spirit of #GivingTuesday, I wanted to write a quick note to share some thoughts on philanthropy. I get asked quite a bit about my involvement in the community. I am a big believer that community impact can be accomplished in many ways - big, medium, small, smaller - all of which are important pieces of the whole philanthropy pie. When people share with me that they would like to find a way to give back it truly warms my heart. When asked how/where to begin, I do my best to share my story and help guide them to resources that can be good matches for their desires. Help is graciously accepted by many charities in our communities in all forms of volunteerism and donations. A great/easy way to experience giving back is to participate in Giving Tuesday - where you can choose from local (or even global) organizations and contribute any small amount to a cause of your choice.
We all have something to give whether it be time, items, positivity and/or money. Check out https://www.givingtuesday.org for a list of participating organizations.
Thanks for taking the time to read! Feel free to comment below if you like the content of this post or if you'd like to share your enthusiasm for supporting your community.
Happy Giving Tuesday.
Brianna Bean, President
The Job Scouts | Professional Recruiting Agency
Therapy Scout | www.thetherapyscout.com
Nurse Scout | www.thenursescout.com
phone: 813-361-2287
email: bbean@thetherapyscout.com