Giving Yourself The Slight Edge
Tom Vranas
Experienced Entrepreneur | Innovative Operator | Culture + Talent Developer | Chicago
We've all read our fair share of books with high-falootin' advice on how to get rich, start a business, lose weight, live the life you've always wanted. The self-help aisle on Amazon is about a digital mile long. So when a book comes my way that actually...makes sense and is radically realistic, I am more than a little excited.
The Slight Edge is that book and more.
Looking back at my successes and failures, I am satistfied at what I've accomplished in the short years of my life on this Earth. I don't write that to brag, but I love doing and accomplishing things. I've even been given a nickname to that effect - Action Vranas. Every once and a while a curious soul will ask, how do you do it? I've never had a good answer for such a simple question.
Sometimes I say it’s an inner drive, other times I call it grit. If I'm being honest, I'll add in a sprinkle of luck and good fortune. I've never been able to put my finger on the pulse of how you can live a life of insane happiness and some notable success.
Picking up The Slight Edge, I had the same excitement as watching paint dry - yet another productivity, self-help book with ALL the answers. Yet this one...actually does. You owe it to yourself to actually invest the $19.95 and handful of hours to buy and read the book. The quick takeaway is that the simple edge isn't some crazy nebulous idea. It's simple.
Do the little things that seem entirely insignificant in the doing, yet when compounded over time yield amazing results.
Simple daily disciplines.
That's it. A few more nuances about it...
- It cuts both ways -discipline or simple errors matter.
- You have to do the thing. Over and over again.
- It's just as easy to do as it is NOT to do. You won’t immediately see the results of either. Results are invisible and seem entirely insignificant. Do them anyway.
- Time can work for you. There is no better time than to start new habits than...right NOW.
- You need to stay in the process for long enough to give it a chance to win. It will take longer than you want, but you will be surprised at how quick it seemed.
- Once you begin to pick up momentum, you will see the results quicker and the habit will be easier to continue.
- Write lists, journal, meditate, communicate your thanks, and get your body moving...these are anchors of happiness.
- There has to be a beginning point. Just do it. Just start. It may not be pretty, but it won't get any better by sitting around and waiting for a better time to start.
- The size of the problem determines the size of the person. You can measure the impact a person's life has by the size of the problem he solves.
- Invest in yourself and continuous learning and development.
- It's a combination of street smarts & book smarts. You can't move forward without a mix of both.
- Most of the time you will be off your intended path - constant and continued course correction is key.
- Chose heroes and mentors carefully, be guarded about your associations as those will reflect in your life.
- There is a significant amount power in momentum - steady wins the race (at least the decades long race that is life).
- Keep an eye on the power of completion - clear out undones and incompletes.
- Realize the power in reflection - be honest to yourself. You are the only one that matters.
- Utilize the power of celebration -catch yourself doing something right and be proud of that.
- There are two different kinds of habits - those that serve you and those that don't. Only YOU have choice over y your habits through everyday choices.
- The best way to erase a bad mistake is to replace it with a GOOD habit.
- How do you develop powerful and positive habits? Show up, be consistent, have a positive outlook, realize this is a commitment for the long haul. Cultivate a burning desire backed by faith, understand you WILL have to pay a price for happiness, have integrity in all you do.
- Write down your goal, be clear and have a timeline. Use accountability coaches, tracking or other methods to keep yourself honest, especially as you start.
- Look at your goals every day.
- Start with a simple plan.
I’ve been fortunate to work with a few incredible people to help them realize their highest personal potentials. By rearranging habits and making small tweaks to life, they make monumental shifts. It’s so inspiring to see them figure out what I’ve learned over the past few years.
It’s not about huge changes. It’s not about an unrealistic lifestyle. It’s not about trying to do everything at once. It's simple to understand and incredibly difficult to do.
So get ahead and give yourself that slight edge. You deserve it.
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