Is giving your credit card number over a phone sex line safe?

Is giving your credit card number over a phone sex line safe?

I phoned a phone sex line last night and gave my credit card number to pay for it. How safe do you think it is?

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions.


What is the LEGAL age I can get my children Credit Cards?

It took me 15 years of hard work to establish a good credit score. Never did I do anything wrong, but still took forever to get to where I am today. So what I want to do is get Credit Cards in my kids names early so they can be where I am at an earlier age. Better credit is easier in every aspect of life and can only help them. I will teach them the right way to spend and pay off the cards and just want them to be more prepared then I was when I left home at 17 years old. Any help would be much appreciated!!"

Credit Report?! How do I use it? Which is the cheapest way?

I lost track of the different medical bills and places I owed money to, and since I have moved several times and changed my number collectors haven't called. I don't owe very much but I still am unsure of which. So I am guessing the best way is a credit report? But I'm not really sure of how to use it and what the cheapest way to get it is. I'd appreciate somewhat detailed answers as I am clueless to this stuff."

"My credit score is 490, i purchased a car which I'm paying monthly on, when will my credit score rise?"

My credit score is 490, i purchased a car which I'm paying monthly on, when will my credit score rise?"

What would be another alternative beside filing for bankruptcy?

I am unemployed looking for a job and owe over $60,000. I am desperate."

NACA Home Loan is it a SCAM?

I was just told about this program, I will be attending a seminarr for it, but I am trying to find out, is this a SCAM load, is there anything that I should know about this loan? No down payment.....and a low interest rate...and fixed interest rate .sounds almost to good to be true, is it?"

Pros and cons for declaring yourself Bankrupt?

I have been carrying numerous debts sense a relationship break up 7 years ago and although i work full time with running a home, car, kids etc i am finding it extremely difficult to pay off these debts a friend mentioned Bankruptcy can anyone tell me the pros and cons of doing this please"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

What if I remarry would his bankruptcy affect me then?

What if I remarry would his bankruptcy affect me then?

What's a best topic for an argumentative-persuasive essay about business/ finance?


Where can I find a auto loan to buy from a private seller?

I have very little credit but it is not bad credit. I have been trying to build my credit but I got deals that was just too high on the APR. The only thing I have on my credit history is for jewelery I financed. And it wasn't much. I only made two payments so far and need one more to pay it off. I just need 2-4 thousand dollars to buy a car from a private seller. Is there a place that can help me with this? Thank you so much.

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Filed bankruptcy Chapter 7, Now I want to keep house?

We have alot of credit card debt. If they allow us to discharge the debt we would be able to afford the house. It would be tight with 50 left over a month but we could stop adding to our deferred comp for a few years and then we would have 600-800 left a month. We didn't feel very confident with only 50 left a month in case of emergencies etc but with 600 a month we feel much better. Are big problem was figuring a way to pay off home equity since we did a 80/20 loan (20 being a home equity) but we figured out how to get that paid off too with money from taxes etc. All in all we have FINALLY made some good financial decsions and are on the right track. THank you all so much for your advice :)

"How to take out an $8,500 private student loan? Best options?"

Hi, everyone! I'm a clueless college student with clueless parents and really need some financial advice/opinion. I need to take out an $8,500 private loan to cover the tuition/living expenses that I cannot pay for right now. Does anyone know of good places to look into with the best (lowest) interest rates for students? Your advice would be much appreciated! Thank you so much!"

Auto Loan Insurance?

Can someone please tell me there is any financial institution that offers some sort of auto loan insurance...something like mortgage insurance..that if the loan originator passes away, the loan will automatically be paid off?"

"TD Bank, student credit card?"

I want to get a student credit card. I'd be using it for everyday purchases. I also plan on going to europe for 2 months next summer and would like to know which kind of credit card would be best for me. I've heard great things about the points system but I don't really know how it compares to a card with cash back. I do all my banking through TD, so I'm looking at their options right now. Here's what I've found so far: any info or suggestions would be great. Thanks"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Serous question what if you owe a payday advance loan of $400 do they hold pack your taxes?

If I file my taxes will the hold it back because of the loan I owe

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Can you get an auto loan for a kit car?

Wasnt there a law passed last yr that said i had a right to see my credit score for free?

i always see FREE CREDIT SCORE"" ads on here but theres always a price"""

How long does it take to recover from bad credit?

I got my first debit card when I was 17. I made a few bad purchases, while not being mindful of the balance in my account, and I was faced with overdraft charges, total $224. However, as a bank courtesy, and I guess because I was 17, I was not compelled to pay anything. Unfortunately, I think those overdraft fees(even though I didn't have to pay them) ruined my credit. Over the past few years, I've applied for an visa credit card and an American Eagle card, both of which have denied my application for a credit card. I got my Chase"" bank credit card shortly after I received my debit card"

Why is my APR going up to 30 percent?

Never late, never have been, but still getting raped by my credit card company ever since the card act. What's funny is that this will be the same rate as the penalty rate"" - which means if I was late"

What are payday loans?

i see a lot of advertisements on payday loans. are they a scam? how do they work?

22 years old & NEED to start building my credit history. Credit card?

Hey guys! Ok so I'm 22..23 this summer and don't have a credit history. I've never had a credit card because I've honestly never been a fan but it seems like the most straight forward(IF paid on time) way to build credit history. I have no bills in my name as I live at home with my mother still so I have nothing at all. My sister & I are on the same cellphone bill but it's in her name...mainly because the phone company was asking me for a huge down payment because again, no credit history. I'm looking at a few cards right now but was wondering which ones you'd recommend for a first timer..and my age. I know credit cards laws changed recently..or are going to change but I believe the major part is for people under 21. Any information will be on repaying back on time & not forgetting ..etc! Thanks :)"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Is giving your credit card number over a phone sex line safe?

I phoned a phone sex line last night and gave my credit card number to pay for it. How safe do you think it is?

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions.

Can you file chapter 7 bankruptcy if you own a house?

after i clean up my credit to buy my house i got in trouble with the check cashing people

What is the best credit report agency to use?

What is the best credit report agency to use?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Pensioner with bad credit rating and ex bankrupt looking to find credit, finance or personal loan.?"

Looking to find were I can get either a credit card,finance or personal loan from legitimate business.I'm finding it hard as I'm a pensioner and have a bad credit rating.I did file for bankruptcy but have now been discharged but have been unsuccessful with applications so far.Looking for companies in Melbourne or other Australian states."

What is the best way to raise my credit score ?

hey need help am trying to raise my credit score to be able to apply to get a house, my credit score now is a 587 yes i now its low past mistakes. i recently got a copy of all 3 of my reports and i have paid all my debt. am planning to get a house in about 3 months and am trying to bump it up higher i need tips on what works fast and getting points. i have a credit card now and was told that if i pay it 3 days before due date that helps a lot is that true?"

How much will auto loan raise my credit?

I have a 515 with equifax which is the big one I'm trying to get raised, at least to a 620 to get a va home loan. Wife and I are taking out an 11k auto loan (she has a 780). I have a repo from 2011 on my record. By paying this how much can I expect my score to jump? I have around 13k In debt all together buy expect half that to fall off due to SoL by 2015, (3 credit cards I received the day I turned 18). I plan to pay off the car quick (withing a year)"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How many years of credit do I have to establish to get a brand new car under my name?

I just turned 18 last September, own three credit cards, and have an excellent credit score. I have two cell phones under my name too. I'm looking to buy a brand new Cadillac this summer. You think any dealership will take me serious and allow me to finance a car under my name without my parents help?"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Where can i find a loan shark in Houston Tx. I really need to payoff some bills. my credit score under 600?

Where can i find a loan shark in Houston Tx. I really need to payoff some bills. my credit score under 600?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Which kind of AUTO LOAN do I need?

I'm in the process of looking for a USED car as a second vehicle. I currently have my primary vehicle financed and it is ALMOST payed off. I owe a little over $1,000.00 on it and have made ALL the payments on time. I also am in the process of IMPROVING my credit and have aquired my first CREDIT CARD that is secured by my own money. My current credit SCORE average is 691. My INCOME GROSS is $38,000.00 per year and I have been with the same employer for nearly 3 years. I've also lived at the same residence for the past 4 years. I'm interested in buying a 2nd vehicle, but I'm not sure exactly what I want, where I'm going to buy it from which state"""

Where can i run a non expensive background check using someones social security number?

the only official info i need is civil status. If the person is married or single or divorced.

Credit report for first-time credit applicants?

I got my first credit card two weeks ago, so I'm just beginning to build my credit history. When at the earliest, will I be able to know my first credit score/report ? next month ?"

Has anyone else been scammed by They are behind the cic triple advantage charge I got.?

When you get you report they sets you up for this monthly service. is NOT free!! Do not use it!!?

I was recently notified of fraudelent activity on my account. I was told that I am entitled to one free credit report per year at no charge. I went to as advised by equifax, to obtain a copy of my report. This report does not have much detail and didn't do me much good. I then went to and was charged $9.95 for what they claim is a free credit report. DON'T GET SUCKERED BY THEM. It's probably written in tiny writing somewhere that they'll subscribe to something you know nothing about. They capatilize on this because many people don't take the time to read the tiny print. My bank will not refund me the money and the company refuses to cancel the transaction. I was under the impression that my credit card info allowed them to prove who I was. Hundreds of others believed the same and got suckered too. DON'T DO IT. Apply for your true free credit report either on the phone or with the creditor direct."

What is the best and safest site for receiving a payday loan?

i want to know the best WEBSITE to recieve one, not the best way. im aware that i can get a loan thru my bank, but i dont need 3,000.00 bux. need payday advance or close alternative. NOT amscot."

Has the credit score range always been 501-990?

For some reason I thought the credit score range used to top out at 850 or something? Has a 750 credit score always been a C""?"""

How do I send cash to myself using paypal?

I wanna send cash to myself from my credit card using paypal how do I do this?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

FREE Credit Report/No Credit Card Needed?

Know of a website offering a SAFE and accurate credit report without having to enter your credit card number? I've been searching and can't find anything. =(

Anyone know how to see a free backgroung check online?

Im trying to do a background check on someone and it says they're found and have a criminal past but when i click on them it says i have to pay to see the info on them.

I can finally clean up my credit! Now where do I start??

Hi all! I'm finally financially ready to start rebuilding my credit. First step...paying off my debts. There's so many though! For the longest time I just threw away bills I wasn't able to pay so now I don't even remember what needs to be paid and how much! Is there a way I can get a list of all my outstanding balances and maybe phone numbers of the debt collectors so I can work out a settlement for all of these bills?? Thanks!

Is giving your credit card number over a phone sex line safe?

I phoned a phone sex line last night and gave my credit card number to pay for it. How safe do you think it is?

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions.


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