Giving vs Getting
Giving vs Getting
"Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting." wrote Brian Tracy
No being, no man and no nation is self-sufficient in everything it needs. Life is an interdependent existence where giving and getting is part of course. While many things can be bought with money i.e traded ; not everything is bought. It needs to be given or received for its too priceless.
#Giving and #getting are two sides of the same coin.
What are the key dynamics which govern giving and getting?
1. Grateful Giving/Graceful receiving
A Giver shouldn't be pompous or proud about giving nor expect anything in return. He should be grateful for the opportunity to be of help. The receiver should be graceful in accepting it or turning it down.
2. Reciprocation
Giving doesn't mean hating reciprocation or attempting to keep others in your debt. A Giver is humble and shouldn't resist reciprocation. A Giver who resists reciprocation generates ill will and not #goodwill.
3. Relationships
The biggest thing you can give is time and the natural outcome of investing #time is better relationships. You can't give time without getting it. Investing time on people is thus repaid immediately.
4. Avoiding Spectacle
A person who gives for publicity or spectacle isn't giving in the truest sense of word. He is marketing. A selfless giving isn't the same of selfish #marketing or bragging. Avoid spectacle because selfless giving alone is unselfish giving.
5. A Giving Heart
Giving and Getting isn't as important as cultivating a giving heart. A poor man may not have much to give but is made rich by his big heart. A rich man may have lots of #wealth but is poorer due to his misery. Whether and what you give or receive outwardly isn't important. What's important is whether you have a heart that is at ease with giving.
Our ancient #scriptures suggest that giver should keep his eyes and heads lean down to avoid embarrassment to the takers. Everyone can be a giver. Even a poor person can give a smile which creates positivity in environment.
Winston Churchill rightly said: "We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."