Giving up when no one understands
Peter Nelson
Economist and Fellow Chartered Accountant, as an International Financial Consultant have carried out assignments for all major international donors in many countries.
Having had a good trot at trying to get her message out about how people are handling the planet, Gretta has apparently said she will now go back to school and finish her education absorbing what older people want to drum into her. This is where someone can start feeling sorry for her.
Her problem is the same as that faced by so many other young people world wide, where kids tech savvy beyond that of their parents, have access to more information than any generation before them. Most people having children at school, certainly private schools, will have them receiving religious instruction of one kind or the other. Trump wants the Bible back in schools. Predominately in the West, this will focus on studying the Bible and the good parts in what that tells us. The problem is that any fifteen year old, even without studying biology can Google and tell you virgin birth is impossible and no one has ever seen a talking snake. Teachers focus on the good parts of religious texts mainly the Bible starting from what God told Moses and wrote on concrete tablets Moses managed to smash in a rage before they could be verified. Still, loving thy neighbor but not his wife sounds pretty sensible and not stealing his ass and lying about it seems logical, and who shouldn't love their father and mother? But the bits about God destroying whole civilizations because he got browned off does not seem very cool and neither does killing your son because some voice inside tells you to. On the other hand, boys get their first porn on stories of daughters getting themselves pregnant from their father, or daughters loaned out for the night to wondering travelers in the interests of hospitality. Of course these smart kids can also search archeological evidence to show there was movement from Egypt to Canaan but no mass exodus and Jews finally formed their one god monotheist religion only after the Temple of David was destroyed by the Egyptians. Up to that time other gods still had their place in the Jewish religion and this God YHWH, who's name was not to be spoken as in Harry Potter, up until then was supposed to have had a wife.
Switch to the New Testament and Jesus had to be a really cool dude since most of what he was reported to have said, like leaving God things to God and Taxes to the Romans mostly made sense since, as my daughter could tell you, he never said he was God, only the son, which is a reasonable proposition's as aren't we all? The only things for which he personally could be criticized for was shriveling up a fig tree for not having fruit available for him out of season in a place where fig trees don't grow but then story tellers don't always get it right: some reporting ravens and others how doves were sent out by Noah at the end of the flood. But details, details and no one was actually there recording it all.
So we had the Jews coming together as a clan of monotheists, converted to Jewish Jesus, formulating Christianity with the help of the Romans and then with the help of turncoat Josephus to be spread as the Roman Religion, to be embellished by Islam for it to make more sense to their Arabic evolving situation. They were smart enough to build in how death was the alternative to belief.
So here the kids of today run into their dilemma and don't know how to handle this while spending hundreds of hours on their social media platforms of choice between collecting all these random facts. They see all these inconsistencies and yet are surrounded by this overwhelming historical architecture with magnificent churches in every hamlet in Europe and a Queen with her own church based in England and Trump as the most powerful man on earth swearing on the Bible. Missionaries have spread this word around the globe and the Roman Catholic Church has amassed a fortune distributing the product. At school kids have weekly assemblies and school chaplains quote from the good parts of the Bible. There is the overwhelming music stemming from religious persuasion as human still question where they came from and where are they going, all of which has to link with the story given about the existence of a heaven and hell governed by a God who never the less allows pandemics to rage.
Hence the poor Grettas of the world are stuck between this rock and a hard place, seeing their fathers, mothers, teachers and heads of state all bowing and swearing allegiance to a mythical god they know does not exist in the way portrayed. It took Hellen Reddy to point out God was a woman. So no way can a Gretta go out there and call these people out about spreading the Bible teachings since they themselves don't know what to do about it and they would certainly not give her a hearing on this subject in the White House. But her rage is still there so she focuses on something she can get away with in Climate Change since of course climate has always been changing. No one could argue against not trying to preserve the world.
Meanwhile there is this generation of young people seen demonstrating around the world and particularly in the USA who also feel they have been conned. They no longer believe that no matter how shitty their life on this earth may be, there is a wonderful heaven waiting there for them after they die. They want in now. As with Gretta's distraction on Climate Change, these people who feel dispossessed clutch for straw causes such as BLM which really has little to do with black lives. If they feel they have been mislead all these years with the religious feed and have nothing to really take its place they will get overwhelmed by the alternative where the philosophy becomes that for humans as a special species, it is all about propagation and whatever facilitates this. Following this progression it leads to a species (humans) adapting where those who can't handle wide flung inevitable viruses in an over populated society simply die out and only the immune continue to procreate even under draconian restrictions of living.
Presumably great minds must have followed this through and are pulling their hair out to find a satisfactory solution between giving up our illustrious but fictitious past based on a belief of heaven in compliance and a horrible hell should there be disobedience. What can replace heaven as a reward, number of virgins not withstanding? So far it seems to be that the only reward is that at least one's offspring will continue to survive even if our own spirit drifts into the ethos. But will the new generation be happy with that or do they have to come up with a new religion like CLIMNATE CHANGE and forget about devils and angels? So far the kids at school have not found the complete answer and poor Gretta was stymied in ascendency by a spreading Covid-19.
The logical reality is that as has been demonstrated during the current pandemic, governments can crackdown and rule by daily whim until the public really don't know what today's rules are. After a while people just go along with what police tell them on the street and become conditioned. Once there, this conditioning does not go away, the more illogical the deeper it sinks. This is not great news for the next generation. The only good news for them is that every new generations comes in at a different reference point and as Darwin said, adapts and modifies its behavior. Perhaps religious history will become another Harry Potter interesting story...
Retired at retired mechanic
4 年AMEN !!