This Giving Tuesday, Live To Give!
Azim Jamal
Inspiring and empowering leaders to achieve material success blended with a deep sense of purpose, balance & happiness
Are you looking for a life of purpose and fulfillment? If so, what better way to get there than by adopting a LIVE to GIVE habit. And there’s no better day to start this habit than on Giving Tuesday!
The LIVE TO GIVE philosophy espouses the drive for giving as a core quality in one’s daily living.
This philosophy is also supported by science. Researcher, bestselling author, and Professor Dr. Stephen Post has funded over 50 scientific studies related to giving at top universities in the United States. He concludes that the simple act of purposeful giving adds to the giver’s happiness, health, resilience, creativity, and longevity, confirming that we are indeed hardwired to give. We have an innate need to give. We are born to give.
Today is Giving Tuesday, so join me in my quest to Live to Give to a wonderful cause called, Maziwa. Maziwa is helping working mothers in Kenya take back control of the health and well-being of their families. What’s even more exciting, if you give today, your contribution will be matched–doubling your giving. As an added benefit, your donation will also be completely tax-deductible. A triple gain! What a great opportunity to give. Click here to donate now @: