Giving Thanks - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Chicago, Suzanne Niemoth
Suzanne Niemoth
Non-Profit Executive Specializing in Finance, Operations, and Business Affairs
Happy Thanksgiving to all. This year, I'm counting my blessings for being a part of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago (BBBSChi), an organization that works to ignite the power and promise of Chicagoland youth through one-on-one mentoring relationships between adult volunteers ("Bigs") and children from the age seven through high school graduation ("Littles"). These relationships help nurture children, strengthen communities and are founded in the belief that inherent in every child is the ability to succeed and thrive in life.
This Turkey Day, my Little and I were featured for BBBSChi's annual Holiday Recipe -- baking and DIY are one of our favorite pasttimes together! If you'd like to help other children realize their potential and build their futures, please consider supporting my fundraising page for BBBSChi to help match more children across Chicagoland with caring, committed mentors. Any amount will help!