On this Giving-Thanks day, I reflect…
Jane L. Fitzpatrick
Award-Winning Screenwriter/Published Author, Founder HumanityShines.org, EP/Producer at Broken Hand Productions
Though we see our world in a very dark place -- in the spirit realm “Dark Places” are not always bad. If it weren't for the darkness, we would not be able to see the light of change.
On this day of thankfulness, Native Americans are standing up for all of us, for our water, for our Earth – and we join them. While others react in cruel ways, wielding their might and showing the world their darkness -- our light is power.
Yes, our light is igniting and uniting us around what our Native American brothers and sisters have known Forever. That the Earth is our home. That we are here to protect it, to care for the water, to care for the animals, to care for the land, and the environment. We are here to Love one another.
Wake up, let us wake up! And, for that, I am thankful -- we are Awakening. Let us come together this Thanksgiving Day, let us turn its original meaning into something relevant -- that we are one in this great Union.
Will you believe with me, will you say a prayer at your table this day that we continue to unify? No matter what we believe religiously, no matter what we stand for politically, no matter what color we are or what we do, or where we're from… we are one, and we have power together.
Stepping on the path of light toward change is up to us. We are not alone -- for we are the light of the world. We are a city on a hill. We have the spirit of God within us... Doesn't it feel good when we reach out and help someone? Doesn't it feel right when we love someone? Doesn't it feel great when we see someone's spirit, and their heart, not the color of their skin.
Take my hand on this day of thanks – pray with me for our Water, for our Earth, for our Sky, for the Animals, for all Peoples... Yes, for the Love, for the Life, for the Light that shines through the darkness. I love you! Happy Thanksgiving, Jane