Giving Meaning to "Thanksgiving" in My Own Marketing World
"Thank you" is such a powerful word. To be able to acknowledge and appreciate the little things in life, the random acts of kindness, and even the not-so-joyous moments help build in us the strength and resilience we need to face adversity. This Thanksgiving, as we think about our families and friends, I am also grateful to all our business partners, clients and employees because as an organization we have learnt something from each one of you. So, a big thank you to:
- All client wins and prospective opportunities - we are here because of you
- Opportunities we may have lost because you have made us set the bar higher and push ourselves to greater heights
- Employees and partners because you are our growth engine - your diligence and hard work makes us what we are
As a marketeer and growth strategist, I am also thankful for many big and small things - for the collective knowledge and wisdom of people in their own space, the giant pool of creativity I can access through Creative Commons, for the constant evolution of technology/ tools/ techniques that help me do my work better, and for all the wise words I hear and read that enable me to keep in touch with my inner self. This year especially, I am most thankful for discovering the power of human-centric marketing.
As a marketer, what are you most thankful for?