Giving me attitude?
Salvador Eduardo Lopez Pineda
Ex-F500 CFO | Executive Coach | Talent Developer | Change Agent | Career Growth Catalyst | Multiculturally Driven | Let’s connect!
Have you ever wondered if those people that make it to the top developed their winning attitude because they got there, or did they get there because of that attitude? This is a profound and revealing, “egg or chicken” kind of question.
On one hand, it’s possible that the successful people we admire “built” their winning attitude as they climbed the ladder. They faced numerous setbacks, obstacles, and moments of doubt. They stumbled, fell, got up, and kept going. So a virtuous circle of strong, winning, “can and will do” attitude evolves as a response to the trials one endures, with increasing resilience, adaptability, and optimism.?
"I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work." ~Thomas A. Edison
People who build their success develop a mindset that sees learning opportunities in each setback and gives them fuel to power through difficulties. This—seeing failure as a stepping stone rather than a dead end—is consistent with the much-used concept of growth mindset.
"Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right." ~Henry Ford
On the other hand, we could also say that a winning attitude is a crucial precursor to reaching the top. The implication is that some individuals “possess” or develop a starter attitude of determination, positivity, and perseverance early on, and this flame drives them toward their success. This attitude fuels their ambition, allows them to get through initial hurdles, navigate the complexities of their journeys, and collect wins that further fuel that belief and conviction that “it will work because it must.”.?
Seeing Is Believing
I was very intentional when I wrote “develop” when referring to that initial spark of attitude and belief. We can create the conviction that we can do something, even if we’ve never done it, if we visualize it with conviction.?
I know how it sounds. But before you start shaking your head and dismissing this as an urban legend, consider an article on the power of visualization published by the National Institutes for Health (NIH). The study focused on how imagining muscle contractions could actually boost strength without lifting a finger—literally.?
Participants visualized tensing their little finger or elbow muscles for 15 minutes a day, five days a week, for 12 weeks. They found that the same brain wave patterns activated when lifting actual weights were similarly activated when only imagining the activity: participants saw their finger and elbow strength increase by 35% and 13.5%, respectively, while a control group that didn’t train at all saw no changes! Furthermore, "the greatest gain (40%) was not achieved until 4 weeks after the training had ended" (Ranganathan et al., 2004).?
Which boils down to the power we have to drive, really feel, and create the belief in one’s potential, which will drive successful action, which will reinforce the belief. This promotes a focus on continuous improvement and a readiness to seize opportunities.?
Not there yet? Try this brief exercise (it’s just a 3-minute video) and see for yourself!
So, what do you think?
A winning attitude can indeed pave the way to success by providing the drive and resilience we need to overcome obstacles. On the flipside, the experiences and challenges we run into along the way further shape and refine this attitude.?
Regardless of where it starts, cultivating and maintaining the right attitude is critical to achieving and sustaining high levels of success. If I have learned anything through 35+ years of career, through my own success and that of many others around me (who got farther, fastest, or who found their place of happiness), it is that, in order to attain your objectives, whatever they are, little things matter more than having the right attitude.?
"Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude." ~Zig Ziglar
Having the right attitude is crucial. Research consistently shows that the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed—a growth mindset—leads to greater resilience and success. Carol Dweck, a renowned psychologist from Stanford University, writes that “The view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life.” This attitude transforms challenges from insurmountable obstacles into opportunities for learning and growth.
Consider J.K. Rowling, whose perseverance and positive attitude in the face of numerous rejections eventually led to the phenomenal success of the Harry Potter series. Her story is a testament to how a resilient mindset can turn setbacks into stepping stones. As she said, “Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.”
Beware a Negative Mindset
Being mindful of your perspective and beliefs is crucial. This feeds your attitude, which in turn feeds your decisions and therefore your results. What you give out is reflected back at you.?
A defeatist attitude can lead to self-fulfilling prophecies, where anticipated failure becomes a reality simply because you expect it. If you go into any endeavor thinking it will be hard and you probably won’t make it, looking for only the upside and getting discouraged at the first blush of a headwind, then you will find frustration and disappointment. On the contrary, if you go into things convinced that you will succeed, no matter what, then, despite stumbles and bloody knees, you will—because your attitude is such.?
Your Impact on Others
Your attitude affects how you relate to others and how others relate to you.? A negative outlook can blind you to opportunities and drain the energy needed to pursue your goals and can derail even the best-laid plans. Its impact is not just psychological; it can physically manifest as stress and burnout, which can impact how you relate to others, all of which can further impede progress. Conversely, a positive outlook fosters better interactions and opens doors to opportunities. As Tony Robbins puts it, “The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships.”?
If you're navigating a period of uncertainty or facing challenges, remember to get your empowerment from cultivating a positive attitude. You can turn adversity into an advantage and remain motivated even when the going gets tough. I don’t mean “ignore the difficulties.” Acknowledge them, but maintain a forward-looking perspective.?
The natural order of things
If you go into things knowing you will find obstacles and that they won’t stop you, chances are you will overcome them and ultimately be successful. “Achievement” is the norm. There are a lot more reasons to get to your goals than to fail. And this is a secret weapon successful people have in common: they expect good vs. bad, success vs. failure.?
Success has more to do with this “attitude” and less with luck. Think about it: although a certain component of what you find in life is indeed random and “luck"-based, you can augment it: luck = opportunity + preparedness.?
So, know what you want. Understand why you want it. But, most of all, believe that you can. At the end of the day, you need to be the success you seek before it comes to you.?
Things to Do
Interested in coaching?
You can clearly see how the role of attitude becomes increasingly clear as you go through your journey to success. It’s not just about maintaining a positive outlook; it’s about actively shaping and refining your mindset to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities, and to build the very attitude that will help you build that positive outlook.?
Coaching provides a structured environment to explore and strengthen your attitudes and behaviors, ensuring that they align with your ambitions. It’s a way to gain clarity, build confidence, and create actionable plans that keep you focused and motivated. Coaching can be an invaluable resource for you to sharpen your skills, shift your perspective, and navigate challenging times.?
Invest in yourself and access that ability to make the most of your potential. As you strive to reach your goals, coaching can help you harness the power of a winning attitude and turn your aspirations into reality.
Interested? Book a call, and let’s chat!