Giving It To The Higher Power...
Arroe Collins
Influencer. Movies, books, television and Podcasting. 1.6 million strong. Mobile DJ LA
The most painful part of being a daily writer isn't the physical act of going back to study the peaks and valley's. It's knowing you were in those places and chose not to do anything about it. We are living in an age of awareness but don't pay attention to the signals and signs of something that's been labeled uncomfortable. Today's lesson actually arrives from March 30, 2016. Way over a year has gone by and yet what is shared feels like an open wound. Which invites us to look beyond the experience and learn from the journey. Each of us have changes and challenges. Some more than others. But if we were to sit down and create a line that represents where we've been we'd instantly take note of how crooked the line is. But that's not the lesson. It's the final sentence written during that moment of daily writing. I don't see any change I guess I will just accept the abuse. The message was there. The energy to not just make a step but take the step was offered only for the writer to accept defeat. Turn this around. How many crooked lines do you face daily or monthly but accept the abuse above the growth?