Giving Gratitude Serves A Great Impact On Your Mindset and Overall Happiness

Giving Gratitude Serves A Great Impact On Your Mindset and Overall Happiness

Gratitude is trending right now in the business world and for good reason. More so than ever our culture is so busy “doing” and moving on to the “next thing” that we often forget to reflect. Yet without this necessary pause from the action, we find ourselves only reacting to what happens to and around us rather than being mindful and deliberate.

Turmoil is everywhere – you really don’t have to look far to find it. The only means to avoid being caught up in it is to manage yourself. Manage your thinking, really. Thoughts drive your attitudes and your attitudes drive your actions.

Want to learn to keep a cool head under pressure? Practicing gratitude is the fast-track method for managing yourself and your behavior. (Who doesn’t want immediate results, right?)

Adopting a ritual of expressing gratitude can lead to overall happiness, a sense of self-mastery and unflappability.

Experts say the most creative individuals, whether artists, businesspeople, or parents, have rituals that they follow. Paradoxically, the routine frees them up to be creative and spontaneous.

An easy ritual is one of practicing gratitude. I do it myself. Writing a list of just 5 things I am grateful for, shifts my thinking from what is annoying me to why I have a pretty terrific life.

I explain how to do that in this video.

To get your own ritual jump-started, here’s a packet of 7-Days of fillable, printable, downloadable take-action sheets to assist in expressing gratitude to yourself and others in your life. Try this for a week and see for yourself what a difference it makes in your life.


